Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 550 It will be colder later, you get used to it.

Chapter 550 It will be colder later, you get used to it.

Startled by his cold tone, Lin Zitong froze and didn't move.

Unexpectedly, the next moment he snatched the mobile phone from her hand and threw it out of the window viciously!

Oh my god, this is a mobile phone, not sunglasses, how could he just throw it away?
However, the panic in her heart was greater than the anger, so she didn't attack him.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, what if he provokes him again and throws her out of the car?
He spread his hands and continued driving as if nothing had happened.

Lin Zitong asked cautiously, "Did you throw it away?"

You Haoze didn't speak, and turned the steering wheel forward.

Suddenly making a big turn, she leaned back, only then did she realize that they were halfway up the mountain now!
"Where are you going?!" It's not that you want to throw the corpse, what are you doing up the mountain in the middle of the night?
The temperature difference between day and night on the mountain was huge, and the night was as cool as water, and the wind from the forest whistled past his ears, making Lin Zitong shiver from the cold.

"Is it cold?" You Haoze glanced at her, "It will be colder later, you get used to it."

That being said, he still handed her a coat.

"You..." She took the coat and stared at him: "What do you mean!"

He drove the car calmly: "What do you think?"

After a while, the car stopped and they had reached the top of the mountain.

If you put it on weekdays, standing on the top of the mountain at night, overlooking the night scene of the city full of stars and dimly lit, it is really a great joy in life.

But at this moment, Lin Zitong only felt anxious, thinking back to the incident that You Haoze told her at the Shunji food stall, he felt even more shuddering.

She didn't even dare to care about the fact that he threw away her cell phone, she tremblingly asked for confirmation: "Mr. You, is what you said last night true?"

You Haoze's handsome eyebrows slightly raised, and he asked calmly, "When I meet Junchen someday, you can ask him and you'll understand?"

Her face froze, thinking about all the weird feelings, she said in horror: "You mean, what they saw was...is..."

In those black eyes, a deep smile flashed: "Yeah."

The dark wind howled past, and the howling of wild animals in the mountains could be faintly heard.

When Lin Zitong turned around, there was only the winding mountain road disappearing into the darkness, and the strange black forests on both sides of the road.

"Boss You, don't scare me!"

Lin Zitong screamed, and hid in his arms in panic, almost crying out of fear.

"Honey, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Suddenly, she felt a little itchy on her cheek, and she reached out to scratch it, but she held it down.

"Don't move, you have bugs on your face."

"Help me get rid of it!"

"If you are afraid, close your eyes and don't move around! Otherwise, you will get into your ears."

She was frightened by him, and she didn't dare to move at once, her whole mind was in a daze.

"Ah, did you take it off?"

You Haoze held back his smile, and gently blew in her ear.

"Don't worry, I'll catch it right away."

Being so close to each other, she could hear his heartbeat in a trance, and she couldn't help but hold her breath, and even her breathing became cautious.

Suddenly there was a burst of coldness, and his breath overwhelmed him.

She opened her eyes nervously until she was about to suffocate.

You Haoze barely stopped his smile, and said solemnly, "Okay, the bug is removed."

"You lied to me!" It was so dark at night that he couldn't even see his face clearly, so he couldn't see the bugs on his face.

He caught her head-on fist and pressed her against the tree.

Only then did she realize what he said earlier, 'it will be colder later, you should get used to it. ' is the meaning of this layer.

"Well, no..."

The surrounding woods were rustling with the wind, and the two disturbed the birds on the trees. They fluttered their wings and wailed a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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