Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 568 They are jealous of your beauty.

Chapter 568 They are jealous of your beauty.

The mouth grows on others, but the road lies under one's own feet.

Don't care too much about what others think, just live the way you like; don't care what others say, just live according to your own rhythm.

Seeing her shy and timid appearance, You Haoze couldn't express his liking in his heart, but lowered his voice to tease: "Honey, do you feel like a blessing in disguise?"

Lin Zitong felt happy and sweet in his heart, his eyes turned slightly and he noticed that many paparazzi were lurking in the dark, and many flashlights kept taking pictures.

She couldn't help asking in a soft voice: "Is it really okay to be so ostentatious?"

"Just trust me."

Although it was a hot summer, fortunately, it rained this morning and the weather was much cooler. It felt quite pleasant for the two of them to walk down the street holding hands.

No matter where you go, You Haoze always holds her hand. When the two of them walk on the street, they always attract passers-by to turn their heads back frequently.

All kinds of eyes came together, some were jealous, some were envious, and some were angry.

Of course, pointing and pointing from black fans was indispensable, but he didn't dare to face them, so You Haoze turned a blind eye to this.

As for the paparazzi lurking behind the scenes, he would like to let them take pictures, as long as they don't make ugly pictures.

The two passed by a flower shop holding hands. Several girls in the shop looked at them from time to time, snickered and pushed each other.

Someone boldly threw a fiery red rose, which happened to fall at Lin Zitong's feet.

Her eyes were attracted to her all of a sudden, and she stood there with her feet without moving.

"What, are you tired?"

She bent down to pick it up, sniffed it, looked at him with interest, and asked calmly, "Why do those girls always stare at us?"

You Haoze was startled for a moment, and with a sly smile, he whispered in her ear: "They are jealous of your beauty."

Lin Zitong glanced at him, and snorted coldly: "Obviously I was looking at you, but it's still on me."

You Haoze took the rose from her hand with a smile, without even looking at it, he threw it casually, just hitting a certain girl.

There was a soft scream in the flower shop, and when Lin Zitong looked back, the girls dispersed in a swarm.

You Haoze wiped the dust off his hands, and hugged her waist in public: "Are you satisfied now?"

She took the initiative to take his elbow and smiled with satisfaction: "Let's go."

When the two of them finished watching a blockbuster movie that was currently playing and went to the underground garage to pick up the car after they came out of the movie theater, they passed by a very high-end luxury store.

In the window at the door, a plastic mannequin was wearing a black lace underwear.

Lin Zitong just glanced at it curiously, but You Haoze bought it without saying a word, pulling her in.

She was very embarrassed and lowered her head shyly, but he was content.

When the shopping guide saw that the two were dressed in fashionable and extravagant clothes, she immediately greeted them warmly.

"Sir, madam, what do you want to see?"

You Haoze pointed to the one hanging in the window, calmly: "Wrap it up."

"Sir, credit card or cash? Eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight."

What?How many thin pieces of fabric are so expensive?

Just when Lin Zitong was about to say no, his mouth slowed down.

"Swipe your card."

You Haoze handed the platinum card to Lin Zitong, and whispered in her ear: "Your birthday."

Lin Zitong sighed in his heart that he was a loser, but pressed a string of codes with his slender fingers, which caused the shopping guide to sigh.

"Your boyfriend treats you so well, I'm so envious."

Hmph, this person must not pay attention to gossip in the entertainment industry!
(End of this chapter)

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