Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 570 It doesn't taste good without a wife.

Chapter 570 It doesn't taste good without a wife.

I turned off the strong headlights, and the only room in the room was the moonlight shining in through the cracks in the curtains.

"...On this beautiful full moon night/Two hearts love each other and love each other/On this beautiful full moon night/Lovers are in pairs/I say you, you/Who else in this world/Can play with you in the water/Flying together ..."

He sang with rich voice and emotion, even if he sang a cappella, his singing voice was melodious.

"You sing so well, why haven't I heard you sing before?"

"You dance so well, why haven't I seen you dance before?"

This guy really knows how to draw inferences from one example, and she was instantly speechless.

"Wife, do you still want to listen?"


"...I can't leave you every day because of you / I don't want to delay for another second / I just realized how close it is forever / Don't close your eyes before me / Thinking about you can't leave you every night / How can Don't hold you in the palm of my hand/Love can't bear regrets..."

Before the second song was over, she fell asleep.

In the morning, Lin Zitong took You Haoze's arms from his waist while he was still asleep, and got off the bed lightly.

It was a rare time to get up earlier than him, and she wanted to make a sunny breakfast for him.

However, just as she took out the fried poached eggs, she heard a familiar voice.

"Honey, what are you cooking? It smells so good."

As he spoke, You Haoze sniffed exaggeratedly, walked behind her involuntarily, and slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

The two were so close that she was the only one in his eyes.

I have to admire his self-discipline. He went to bed so late last night and still insisted on getting up early the next day.

Raising her eyes inadvertently, she saw that there were faint dark circles under his eyes, and there was an unconcealable fatigue between his brows.

Her voice was low, with a hint of distress: "Why don't you sleep more?"

"Woke up from hunger!" He looked at the poached egg and swallowed: "I made it specially for me?"

"Can I eat that much by myself?" She laughed lightly: "Soon, I will heat up the milk and it will be ready to eat."

Serving the prepared breakfast on the table, You Haoze had a great time and praised him.

"Honey, your fried eggs are getting better and better. This poached egg is the best egg I've ever eaten."

There was a smile at the end of her eyes, and a slight blush appeared on her face: "The eggs are of good quality, what does it have to do with me?"

"It doesn't taste good without a wife."

This guy's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, as if he has been smeared with honey, knowing that he is just comforting, she still enjoys it very much.

Is there any woman in the world who doesn't like her man's efforts to make herself happy?


You Haoze looked at her with sword-like eyebrows, as if he wanted to say something, but remained silent.

Lin Zitong paused holding the chopsticks, looked up at him, and saw that his face was serious, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? You can say whatever you want, we are husband and wife, there is nothing we can't talk about."

In fact, seeing him working alone in the study last night, it was obvious that he was worried. Even if he didn't say anything, she still wanted to find a suitable opportunity to ask.

However, if he didn't want to say it, she wouldn't force her to ask.

The man frowned, buried his head in a few sips of milk, and then spoke slowly.

"Honey, let's stop filming the drama "The Young Master with a Fan", okay?"

He must have struggled for a long time before making this decision.

"Boss You, nearly half of my scenes have been filmed. Do you mean to replace me as the heroine now?"

She expressed her dissatisfaction in a very calm tone, trying not to escalate the conflict.

(End of this chapter)

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