Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 578 Could it be that he really wants to be in two boats?

Chapter 578 Is it possible that he really wants to be in two boats?
The mother and daughter chatted for another hour. Before hanging up the phone, Lin Zitong subconsciously glanced at the phone.

Only then did I realize that an anonymous email had been received on the phone at some point.

She has two mobile numbers, one for work and one for personal use.

The mailbox that received the email was registered with a private mobile phone number, and not many people know this mailbox.

Except for relatives and friends, it is impossible for strangers to know.

There was a trace of surprise in her eyes, who sent her a private email?

Made a mistake?
When she opened the email, several photos came into her eyes.

The main characters in the photo are You Haoze and Xin Ying, but after special treatment, You Haoze's face is mosaic.

In the first picture, You Haoze reached out to touch Xin Ying's face.

In the second picture, Xin Ying's face was flushed, and she looked like she was about to cry.

With trembling fingers, he clicked on the next one.

In the photo, You Haoze and Xin Ying are very close, the tips of their noses are almost touching.

In the next picture, You Haoze's fingertips landed on Xin Ying's cheeks, wiping her tears, with infinite tenderness in his movements.

Lin Zitong's fingers turned down woodenly, tears oozed from his eyes, blurring his vision.

A voice in her head kept reminding her that Xin Ying was in an advertisement, and it was too easy to deal with things like photos, audios and videos.

These photos must be fake, PS.

The current PS technology is so powerful, Xin Ying can find a man to take pictures, and then photoshop the man into You Haoze.

Yes, it must be like this, otherwise why would the man's face be mosaic?
She tried her best not to believe what she saw, the man in the photo must not be You Haoze.

However, that man was no different from You Haoze no matter his figure, clothes, demeanor, or aura.

Moreover, she couldn't ignore two details in the photo.

One detail is that the palm of the man in the photo is still wrapped with gauze.

Another detail is that the man in the photo is dressed, and the tie he is wearing is tied with a Windsor knot.

Usually, You Haoze is used to using a double cross knot in his tie.

But this morning, she helped him tie his tie with her own hands.

She clearly remembered that she had tied the Windsor Knot.

Therefore, she really can't deceive herself, these photos must be real, and there is no possibility of forgery.

When he went out in the morning, he told her that he had to go back to the company for a meeting today. He also said that the company had a lot of things to do and he was too busy to leave to accompany her.

In the end, instead of going to work in the company, he went to find Xin Ying.

Of course, these photos were not all taken on the same day, and the two people in a few photos were dressed differently.

However, in each photo, the two behaved quite intimately, and they did not avoid suspicion at all.

To put it another way, the two have always been in contact in private, the fact is not like what You Haoze said, he hates Xin Ying.

I don't know how I insisted on seeing those photos.

If such a group of photos were shown by others, and it was said that the two had no relationship, no one would believe it.

seeing is believing.

Judging from these photos, it seems like what Zhong Shaoqing said, the old relationship between You Haoze and Xin Ying has rekindled.

What Rong Jing said just now clearly lingered in his ears. 'Can men be trusted?You can take care of yourself, he said that one time is one time, they even have children! '

Hehe, Lin Zitong's lips curled up bitterly, why did it take so long for him to let go of the previous feud, and then immediately make trouble again?

He knew in his heart that his love and protection for her were not fake, but it was also true that he was close to Xin Ying from the photos.

Could it be that this guy really wants to be on two boats?

(End of this chapter)

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