Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 590 Yesterday, the video that was exposed on the Internet was your masterpiece, right?

Chapter 590 Yesterday, the video that was exposed on the Internet was your masterpiece, right?
Probably he was too sleepy, and within two or three minutes, she heard his slight snoring.

In the darkness, she moved to the side little by little, trying to escape from his embrace.

In his sleep, he could feel the woman's breath, if she moved a little, he would get closer.

Then, with a 'bang', Lin Zitong fell down.

Damn, the floor is so hard!
The little night light was turned on, and You Haoze, who was in a daze, didn't forget to come over and hug her immediately.

"Honey, why did you sleep on the floor?"

Lin Zitong rubbed his eyes and looked at him sleepily.

"Where did you hurt?"

"No." She was too stingy to say another word.

He wanted to check for her to see where it hurt, but she pushed him away. It seemed that there was nothing serious.

He clearly felt her coldness and resistance, but he didn't take it seriously, ignoring her struggle, and forcefully locked her in his arms.

In case his wife falls again, he won't be able to sleep anymore.snort!

His embrace was so comfortable, she couldn't fight against the surging sleepiness, and fell asleep in his embrace.

The next day, Lin Zitong woke up very late, and saw You Haoze sitting beside him, writing something on paper with a pen.

She took the phone and checked the time, it was already 07:30.

He put down the paper and pen, and approached with a wicked smile: "Are you awake?"

"Why haven't you left yet?"

"Honey, I was too sleepy last night, why don't we have a morning pose?"

"Come on, but do you have time?"

"Wife, do you know? A man's time is not the most powerful thing. The most powerful thing is that the time can be long or short. I will definitely be able to solve the battle quickly in 10 minutes."

When the voice hit the ground, he rushed forward.

She pushed him away and sat up: "Stop playing, you're going to be late for work."

"I'm the boss, who dares to say I'm late."

At first she thought he was joking, but who knew he was going to come for real.

Why is this guy so keen on doing this?
"Stop making trouble, I'm so hungry."

"Okay then, I'll keep you flowing forever in Japan."

It's so dirty, it's almost impossible to look directly at!
But men wake up really fast, You Haoze finished washing in a few minutes, put on his shirt and trousers and went downstairs.

After Lin Zitong finished washing, put on his shoes and went downstairs, he was still sitting at the dining table.

From the looks of it, he had already had breakfast, and sat there waiting for her to come down, as if he wanted to say something to her.

Although the two are laughing and playing, and get along very happily on the surface, they actually have their own concerns.

It's just tacit understanding.

She sat down opposite him, picked up the eight-treasure porridge in front of her, and put it into her mouth spoon by spoon.

"Honey, I still prefer to eat breakfast made by you, it tastes like love."

She said 'oh' without looking up, and put a piece of pumpkin pie into her mouth.

You Haoze also took a piece of pumpkin pie and ate it slowly.

Lin Zitong suffered through the whole process, hoping that he would confess to her in the next second.But after the meal, he didn't say anything else.

The two ate in silence for a long time, and when she put down her chopsticks, he said something.

"Honey, help me tie my tie."

"Hit yourself."

She didn't look at him directly, and started to clean up the dishes.

Finally, You Haoze couldn't bear it anymore. "How many times have I said it, if you feel uncomfortable, just say it, don't hold back."

Hearing this, she raised her eyes and stared at him firmly, with a bit of anger in her tone: "Yesterday, the video that was exposed on the Internet is your masterpiece, right?"

He was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

She stood there upright, quietly, with an ever-changing expression on her face.From anger to helplessness, pain, loss, then to anger, and finally to coldness and stiffness.

(End of this chapter)

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