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Chapter 592 In Your Heart, Am I So Unbearable?

Chapter 592 In Your Heart, Am I So Unbearable?

She suspected that he installed a tracker in his new mobile phone, but she took it to test whether it was. At that time, she still felt sorry for wronging him, fearing that he would find out.

Where did he think that he didn't install a tracker on her new phone, but sent someone to monitor her.

No wonder he knew her whereabouts like the back of his hand!
You Haoze copied his pocket with one hand, with a contemptuous smile on his stern face: "Blame me? I gave you a pot of jasmine, isn't it just to remind you, you are stupid and not enlightened. If you don't meet him in private, I will Can you catch him?"

She even said she was stupid, the anger in her chest rose little by little, and she stared at him fiercely with wide eyes.

I really don't understand, how can this guy be so shameless, do such a vile thing, and still have the nerve to bite back?
How impeccably thick-skinned!
"You Haoze, you are amazing! I used to install a tracker in my mobile phone, but now I have been directly sent to monitor me. But, are you relieved? In the future, are you going to tie me to the door with a rope?"

These words were almost shouted out, she was shaking with anger, this feeling of being followed was really bad, terrible!
It made her feel like she was being watched in her life, with no privacy, no human rights, no freedom.

People can make mistakes, but they cannot make principled mistakes, let alone repeat principled mistakes!

Before he installed a tracker in her mobile phone, she put it up for now, but she didn't expect that instead of restraining himself, he would even intensify and send someone to follow her.

She didn't think that a big boss of him dumped a company to follow her!
Even sending someone to follow him can do such a thing, what else can this man not do!
"I sent someone to watch you?" You Haoze looked serious, as if he wanted to say something, stared at her for a long time, and finally just sighed.

"Honey, in your heart, am I that unbearable?" The tone of self-mockery was full of helplessness and sadness.

It's not that she couldn't hear the disappointment and loneliness in his words, but at this moment she only felt waves of resentment in her heart, and she didn't even look at him.

"You Haoze, you don't even know where you went wrong."

The restaurant fell into silence, and the atmosphere was dignified and dull.

After a long time, You Haoze broke the silence, and his voice was full of pain: "Is it worth it to quarrel with me because of Zhong Shaoqing?"

She tried her best to suppress the grief and heartache in her heart, shook her head and said, "You don't know why I'm angry! You don't know that I'm really disappointed in you!"

Suddenly he understood in his heart, he looked at her sideways, and asked, "Is it because of those photos?"

Lin Zitong was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "Did Xiao Zifeng tell you?"

What a Xiao Zifeng, he was in collusion with him, forgetting her confession in the blink of an eye!

I was extremely depressed, and the next second I heard the man deny it: "No."

This answer was beyond her expectation, and she was inexplicably comforted, but fortunately it was not Xiao Zifeng who told him.

If Xiao Zifeng couldn't even keep this secret, how could she trust him in the future?
But, if Xiao Zifeng hadn't told him, how would he know?
After being stunned for a few seconds, she suddenly realized.

"Did you check my phone?"

She didn't know how to express her emotions for a moment, and looked at him with anger, grievance and heartache.

"Well, I saw that you were not in the right state the night before yesterday. After you fell asleep, I checked your mobile phone." He admitted frankly, and he was very calm.

Hehe, it's not enough for him to send someone to monitor her, even the cell phone has to be checked.

(End of this chapter)

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