Chapter 611 What did I admit! ?
Moreover, it has been so long in the past, is it too late for You Haoze to settle the old score now?

In all fairness, Su Shanshan has treated her very well during her time as her manager.Even if you make a mistake, it is not unforgivable.

But listening to Kong Dao's overtones, Su Shanshan may not be able to survive in the entertainment industry in the future, isn't he in a rhythm that is driving people to death?
Small punishments and big commandments are enough, so why push people to a dead end?

When thinking about it this way, my mood turned to be better, but it fell to the bottom in an instant.

She was in a bad mood, lowered her eyes slightly, and her thick and curled eyelashes cast shadows.

"So, you made a move on them? You dismissed Shan Shan and made her lose her job as a manager. Isn't that too extreme?"

The more she spoke, the more angry she became, secretly telling herself to be calm and not to provoke him.If you want to finish filming this drama safely, you must swallow this breath.

However, in front of him, she still couldn't control her emotions.

"You cut the budget, resulting in insufficient funds for filming, and the pressure on the production team's expenses is stretched everywhere. It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice, and Director Kong's talent has no room to show.

When it airs, such a rough and sloppy drama will definitely make Director Kong notorious.You Haoze, you are so ruthless! "

The man sneered nonchalantly, and his whole body was tinged with evil spirit: "When they are plotting against me, they should have thought of this."

She looked at him inexplicably, and couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you make a deal with Zhong Shaoqing to make this show? You sold me and left it to others?"

The man's gloomy complexion suddenly turned black, and he glanced at her coldly from the corner of his eye.

"Lin Zitong, brains are a good thing, but unfortunately you don't have one. I have repeatedly advised you not to accept this drama, and I have prepared liquidated damages for you. It is you who disagree. Now you are turning around and saying that I made a deal with Zhong Shaoqing?

In your heart, am I the kind of wolf-hearted man who sells his wife for glory? "

Indeed, he mentioned it to her several times and asked her to push the show.However, his attitude was not tough, but in the tone of discussing with her.

Therefore, she never took it to heart and insisted on picking it up.

She didn't know whether she let go of her heart or lifted it up, and the emotions in that instant were indescribable.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at him with complicated eyes: "You admitted it yourself before, but now you want to deny it?"

For no reason, You Haoze felt furious in his heart.

"What did I confess!?"

There was a dull pain in his head for an instant, and he knew that he had told the truth, and she couldn't listen to it, so it was better not to say it.

She is so tolerant to others, why is Dudu so harsh on him?
When someone else made a mistake, cheated her, or betrayed her, she could let the past go, but she kept holding on to his braid.

Not only do they often turn over his old accounts, but they also charge him with trumped-up charges.

He has had enough!

Lin Zitong was speechless all of a sudden, recalling what he said in the past.

Yes, he never admitted it directly, he made a deal with Zhong Shaoqing, he only admitted that he knew about it.

Whether to take this drama or not, the initiative is on her side, and he didn't interfere too much.

She traded her for Tianbao Entertainment, she heard it from Zhong Shaoqing.

Was he deceived by Zhong Shaoqing?Could it be that Zhong Shaoqing has been misleading her all along?

Zhong Shaoqing and You Haoze were at odds with each other, so they tried to drive a wedge between her and You Haoze, in order to hit You Haoze.

 small theater:

  One day, You Haoze came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

  Lin Zitong swallowed, and asked, "Handsome guy, do you want a date?"

  You Haoze smiled charmingly: "Beauty, will it be another day?"

(End of this chapter)

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