Chapter 621 No feeling is indestructible.

You Haoze glanced over with stern eyes, staring at her drooping little head.

For a moment, his eyes stirred up turbulent waves, but when she looked up at him, it was already calm.

After a long silence, his tone was still indifferent: "It's late at night, go to bed early."

After saying that, he almost rushed out the door, leaving her and went to the guest room alone.

It doesn't matter if someone is gone, because you know he will come back and not go far.And once some people leave, they may never come back again. You desperately want to hold on but can't hold the hand you want to pull away.

The room was empty, and loneliness filled the room.

She was flustered but helpless, she had already lowered her figure to show her favor, and he still wanted to continue the cold war with her.

Is he about to change his mind?

Is he going to give up on her?
Is he going to choose to be with Xin Ying?
That night, Lin Zitong couldn't fall asleep, feeling that in this world, no emotion was indestructible, and there was nothing she could grasp.

Buried his head in the quilt, trying to escape from everything outside.

In a daze, I felt like I was falling into a black hole, and my body was falling down.

Sitting in the sports car heading to the film crew, Lin Zitong saw a bizarre scene on the LED display screen of the street shopping mall through the window of the car.

The clean red carpet stretched all the way to the front, and there was a man standing on it.

He was wearing a black suit and tuxedo, with a smile on his handsome face, and his tall and straight body was like a god.

She looked up at the words of blessing swirling on the big screen, and her whole body was struck by lightning.


Lin Zitong pushed open the car door, avoided the roaring vehicles on the avenue, and strode into the hotel.

The open-air lawn of the six-star hotel was full of people.

On the large LED screen, the bride was wearing a black wedding dress, holding her father's arm, and slowly walked into the wedding hall.

This is a wedding that every woman yearns for. The whole red carpet is covered with roses, and the long black gauze is dragged on the red carpet.

The bride smiled lightly, and seeing the man's handsome and extraordinary figure in a haze, her lifelong wish was about to come true.

Her cheeks were stained with a layer of red, and she looked happy and sweet.

Walking through the red carpet, the father handed his daughter to the groom's hand: "I handed over my baby to you, treat her well."

Lin Zitong gritted his teeth, this scumbag father!

Xin Ying is his treasure, so what is she, Lin Zitong?
He vaguely remembered what this scumbag had said to her on the phone.

"Tongtong, Dad is sorry for you, I have been looking for a chance to make it up to you..."

'Tongtong, can you call me daddy? '

Hehe, that shitty father, the scum of scum, abandoned her when she was young, and continued to entrap her when she grew up.

Knowing that You Haoze is her husband, this scum still married Xin Ying to You Haoze!

Wait, something seems wrong?
You Haoze hasn't divorced yet, so he's going to marry Xin Ying?
Are you angry with her, or are you really so impatient?

No wonder he insisted on having a cold war with her these days, it turned out that he had already had a different heart.

Lin Zitong only felt that the blood was flowing backwards all over his body, anger and resentment were constantly intertwined, and he wished to rush forward in an instant and tear off the hypocritical masks of these people.

At the scene, the wedding has reached the most exciting moment.

The bride's red lips raised a soft smile, her pretty face was set off by the black wedding dress even more stunningly, her left hand was tightly held by a pair of generous and powerful hands, and she looked up at the owner of these hands tenderly.

(End of this chapter)

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