Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 649 I just thought I was bitten by a dog once!

Chapter 649 I just thought I was bitten by a dog!
You Haoze smiled, and the tip of his tongue touched the back molars, adding an air of anger that shouldn't be there: "I came here to pick you up, and you let me go back by myself?"

She couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Did I let you come?"

Hearing this, Lin Yunzhen's smiling face suddenly sank, and her voice was a little serious: "Tongtong, what did you say? After causing such a big disaster, Hao Ze doesn't care about you anymore. Don't be self-willed, hurry up and talk to Hao Ze." Ze go back."

Lin Zitong's face froze, and he accidentally raised his eyes to see him raising his eyebrows and smiling slightly, with a slightly smug expression.

I can't help but panic!
I don't want to quarrel with him in front of my mother, and I don't want to argue with him again, because it will not only hurt herself, but also make my mother worry about it.

Can't afford it!Can afford to hide!
"Let's go."

You Haoze took her by the shoulders and led her out of the living room.

Under the streetlights, she saw the Bentley with the license plate number Z8888 parked in the alley of the courtyard.

When he walked out of the courtyard, he was still holding her shoulders. She took a deep breath and gently pushed him away.

"My mother is not here, why do you need to act anymore?"

After finishing speaking, she walked towards Bentley by herself.

However, just after taking two steps, someone grabbed her arm suddenly, she turned her head in surprise, but You Haoze leaned over and held her face.

Before she could react, the man's strong breath suppressed her.

The warm breath sprayed on her face, her mind was unable to think, and she even forgot to close her eyes.

Eyes wide open, just watching him kiss her like this.

When she came back to her senses, she wanted to refuse, but his hands held her arms so tightly that she couldn't move at all.

You Haoze lowered his head and looked away from her, his unprecedented gentleness.

She was dazed by his mouth, so she could only wrap her arms around his waist in a daze.

The anger that was stuck in his heart disappeared inexplicably all of a sudden.

Her gloomy mood suddenly became clear. He still loved her.

Suddenly, she felt that everything was unimportant, and all lies and betrayals were thrown out of the blue.

She just wanted to be with him and grow old with the man she loved.

It wasn't until she found a flashing spotlight nearby that she realized You Haoze's intentions.

That's it!

Feeling as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on it, Lin Zitong felt uncomfortable immediately, and the expression on his face also turned cold.

After a long time, the flash of the camera was gone, and the paparazzi took pictures they wanted and slowly dispersed.

Only then did You Haoze let go of her, and smiled jokingly: "What's your expression? Why, didn't you kiss enough?"

She tried her best to suppress the disordered feeling in her heart, and gritted her teeth: "I just thought I was bitten by a dog!"

"I thought you would like it! I think you enjoyed it just now!"

She trembled as if an electric current had passed through her, and her face immediately turned red like a boiled shrimp, and she almost couldn't hold back: "Shameless!"

"It's true!"

You Haoze smiled, put his arms around her waist, turned and got into the car.

The lights in the carriage were not turned on, and the light was a bit dim, so Lin Zitong moved to the side door, trying to keep a distance from You Haoze.

You Haoze embraced her shoulders with his palms, and the distance between the two of them instantly narrowed.

In the dark compartment, she could not see his expression clearly, she could only feel his body pressed down and resting his head on her lap.

Her heart trembled slightly.

At this moment, she couldn't deny that it was a heart-pounding feeling.

It turned out that she loved him more than she imagined.

This man who made her feel safe has always lived in her heart.

She sat there quietly, feeling warm all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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