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Chapter 653 Wife, it’s good to know some things in your heart, and there is no need to say some chap

Chapter 653 Wife, it’s good to know some things in your heart, and there is no need to say some things.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly turned her back, guilty of not daring to face him.

Yes, why didn't she fight before?

Maybe it's because he doesn't care enough about him, or because he trusts him too much?
Lin Zitong thought about this issue seriously, and the reason is probably because he was too busy filming.

Being an actor is a career that seems to have unlimited scenery, but it also requires constant dedication.As a good actor, in addition to superb acting skills, it also requires hard work the day after tomorrow.

During that time, she devoted a lot, including time and energy, to make the film "Marry Love".

In order to better integrate into the plot, I not only read the lines during the rest time, but also checked my performance from time to time.

Repeatedly shooting, transitioning, shooting, transitioning...

I got busy shooting 20 hours a day, from the first scene to the last without a break.

I'm so tired I don't want to touch my phone.

Second sleep understand?

I seldom sleep for filming. It is normal to sleep 3 hours a day. If the time is very tight, I don’t even take off my make-up, just lie on the chair and fall asleep.

Moreover, Zhong Shaoqing did not forget to discuss the lines with her in detail during the shooting interval, and timely perfected the parts that were not good enough.

Of course, this is her own choice, working hard and being happy.

As for the hardships and hardships involved, she couldn't tell You Haoze about it, as soon as she said it, it seemed like she was complaining to him.

He will be distressed and don't say anything, maybe he won't let her finish filming the movie.

"I'm very sleepy. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

You Haoze smiled indifferently, and didn't say anything more.

"Turn off the lights."

With an order, the voice-activated lights went out, and the room fell into darkness.

Then, he hugged her silently.

The clear and pleasant smell of men, sex, and breath immediately surrounded Lin Zitong, and his breath was filled with Mu, Bath, Dew and his unique breath, intertwined together to have a different meaning.

The two were close to each other, and his breath fell on her face one after another.

She kept shrinking to the side, but trembled, almost falling off the bed.

Fortunately, he was quick and pulled her back, holding her in his arms.

The heartbeat is infinitely magnified, magnified to the limit.

When she came back to her senses, she began to struggle slightly.

But his arms were like cast iron, tightly wrapped around her waist.

"What are you doing?"

Behind her, You Haoze hugged her intimately, whispered in her ear, "Hold your wife to sleep."

The warm breath that was exhaled was sprayed behind her sensitive ears, she only felt a shiver, and she turned her head to avoid it.

"I haven't forgiven you yet."

A man's very soft voice came from above his head, very soft, with a coquettish feeling: "It's just right, you didn't even tell me you were sorry, and I haven't forgiven you yet."

Well, if you don't forgive, you don't forgive, but you let it go.

Hmph, the man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, he said he didn't forgive, but he had already compromised in his heart.

For some reason, she wanted to tease him, and her words were teasing: "Why did you want to play with your mobile phone just now? Could it be that you stayed with me on purpose?"

He smiled: "Honey, it's good to understand some things in your heart, and there is no need to say some things."


"Save some face for your husband."

Their relationship seems to be back to the past.

The gentle, funny, cheerful and easy-going him is back again.

It's such a good feeling!

However, thinking of what You Xinyi said that night, Lin Zitong felt a little panicked again.

If they didn't go to trouble Mom, but dealt with her directly, she might not feel so uncomfortable.

After deliberating for a while, she said awkwardly: "Mom and Xinyi went to the courtyard to make a fuss."

 small theater:

  A buddy went to work in the morning, bought a roasted sweet potato without breakfast, and put it in his butt pocket.

  The bus is coming, this buddy quickly got on the bus and found an empty seat and sat down.

  It's the rush hour for commuting, and the bus is crowded, and every intersection, the brakes will inevitably bump.

  There was only a soft muffled sound, and a large pool of yellow sweet potato pulp squeezed out from the buttocks, still steaming slightly.

  The whole car was boiling.

  This buddy wanted to prove that it wasn't shit with practical actions, so he quickly grabbed a handful and put it in his mouth.

  All the passengers in the car vomited.

  The buddy kept explaining that it wasn't shit, it wasn't shit, it was sweet potatoes, and they were delicious.

  Hearing this, the passengers vomited even more.

  Even the driver threw up.

  The driver vomited and said, young man, what you ate is really shit, a child just pulled it.

  Your sweet potato fell to the ground!
  The buddy looked at the ground in disbelief.

  Uh, uh, uh, even he threw up now.

(End of this chapter)

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