Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 660 Wife, this is my interpretation of those photos.

Chapter 660 Wife, this is my interpretation of those photos.

Did he let her come to the study to show her the painting?
I have heard Xin Ying say that he is good at painting before, but I have never seen him paint with my own eyes.

Could it be that he painted it specially for her?
She picked up the painting with joy and opened it slowly.

The brushwork is smooth and the ink color is uniform.

The picture is clean, the land is silver and white, and a little girl in a pure white woolen coat is standing in the snow.

Why does it look familiar?

This, isn't this the painting that Xin Ying showed her the other day?
The blocked memory collapsed in an instant, and I remembered Xin Ying saying in my ear, "Between the two of us, he chased me first, and he chased me for a long time before he caught up."The reason why I agreed to be with him was because he drew me a picture. '

what happened?

Could it be a mistake?

She tried her best to calm down and glanced at the picture again, and there were four words mentioned in the upper left corner of the picture.

my girl.

It was indeed the painting.

At that time, she was in a bad mood and didn't have the heart to look carefully. She only glanced at it a few times, but she clearly remembered those four words.

That's what it means to express love.

How did this painting appear here?

You Haoze deliberately showed her this painting, what does it mean?
Her face gradually turned pale, her nose was a little sour, and even her throat was sore.

After feeling uncomfortable for a while, she put the painting back on the table, only to notice that there was a note pressed under the previous painting.

There was only one sentence written on the note.

Wife, this is my interpretation of those photos.

What kind of explanation is this?

It's ridiculous!
Show her a painting he gave to his first love girlfriend, are you sure you didn't intend to stimulate her?

After seeing this note, Lin Zitong's gloomy mood instantly turned into annoyance, and he dialed You Haoze's cell phone number without even thinking about it.

This time, the call was picked up by the other party as soon as the call was made, as if he was waiting for her to call.

"Honey, are you in the study?" The man's gentle voice carried a smile, as if a warm spring breeze was blowing towards him.

"What do you mean by showing me that painting?"

Although her tone was cold and calm, the hidden question was extremely clear, with anger and helplessness.

You Haoze didn't seem to expect her to have this reaction, slightly surprised: "Don't you think the people in the painting look familiar?"

She was furious, restraining the jealousy in her heart, her voice was slightly cold: "Well, Xin Ying showed me this painting before. So, you want to use this to express your feelings for Xin Ying?"

He had an epiphany, and couldn't help laughing: "I really lost to you."

Lin Zitong's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt a little strange.

Is there any mystery in that painting?
She subconsciously asked, "Isn't the little girl in the painting Xin Ying?"

The person in the painting only showed his back, but didn't see his face. In fact, it didn't prove that it was Xin Ying.

The reason why she subjectively thought it was Xin Ying was because she believed Xin Ying's words.

Xin Ying herself said that the person in the painting is her.

The most terrifying thing in the world is a woman's jealousy!
There may be a few women who don't eat, but there are none who are not jealous.

If a woman is not jealous, it means that she no longer cares about that man.

And a woman's jealousy often blinds a woman's eyes and makes her unable to see the essence of the matter.

As long as you use your brain a little, it is easy to figure out the problem.

If the person in the painting is Xin Ying, how could You Haoze let her see it on purpose?

After waiting for a while, the man spoke, and his soft voice returned to a faint smile: "It was Christmas that day, in Xuemei Township, do you remember?"

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  It is a sin to lose the ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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