Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 668 Steel egg, I miss home so much, I miss my mother.

Chapter 668 Steel egg, I miss home so much, I miss my mother.

"Afraid, why not be afraid! But, what's the use of being afraid?
In fact, every time I talk to them, I hate them so much in my heart, calling them uncle makes me feel very disgusted.But what's the use of pissing off the bad guys?
But to be honest, I think they are not as scary as my mother.My mother always scolds me and beats me fiercely, I am used to it, they are not as fierce as my mother. "

"No matter how fierce your mother is to you, she will not hurt you, but those people are not necessarily."

She nodded in agreement: "That's right, at least my mother raised me up so much, she provided me with living, food, clothing and schooling."

My mother gave her the best noble school, dressed her in the most beautiful clothes, and fed her the most delicious food.

Eat and drink to support her, and give her endless pocket money.

Seeing her grow so fat, it can be seen that her mother did not treat her badly.

Lin Zitong thought to herself, it's not that her mother doesn't love her, it's just that she expresses it differently.

Neither of them spoke, and there was silence for a while.

"Fat girl, don't be afraid, I'm a man, and I will protect you."

Lin Zitong suddenly felt extremely sad, and sighed softly.

"Gangdan, I miss home so much, I miss my mother. Can we go out when?"

He stretched out his hand to rub her head, with a slight melancholy on his brows: "Oh, do you still want to get out alive? Don't think about it, we have seen their faces, how could they let us go."

The boy knew his words were cruel, but he had to say them.

They are all outlaws, one life or two lives, it doesn't matter to those bad guys.

"Gangdan, don't give up hope, we can find a chance to escape, and one day we will be able to leave here alive."

A chubby little girl, with a pair of piercing eyes embedded in her round face, those eyes sparkled when she said this sentence.

Infected by her, he was slightly moved: "Well, we will definitely be able to escape."

Lin Zitong leaned his head halfway on the boy's body, squinted his eyes and said, "Gangdan, I'm so tired."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

The boy looked at the little girl who was sleeping soundly on his body, and poked her pink and tender face with his finger.

Her face was flushed, and her lips were also rosy, making her shy and charming.

At that moment, he felt that Fatty was so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Unknowingly, he slowly approached her face.

Just when his lips were about to touch her cheek, she suddenly opened her eyes.

The boy's heart beat suddenly stopped, and he immediately restored himself to his original state at the speed of light, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said, "You're awake."

Lin Zitong saw the unusual redness on his face at a glance, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you so red?"

The young man suddenly felt that he couldn't look directly at that gaze, so he couldn't help but lower his head, but he heard his own heartbeat, tense and tense for a while.

"No, nothing."

She refused to let go, and continued to ask: "Liar, what's the matter with your face?"

He feigned anger: "I said nothing!"

She screamed: "Did you just think...?!"

She was really embarrassed to say the latter words, but she believed that he must understand.

The young man looked depressed, as if he was about to vomit blood to death, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "How is that possible!"

Lin Zitong lost his mind for a moment and closed his eyes in frustration.

Seeing her frustrated face, he patted her head: "Why are you unhappy again?"

(End of this chapter)

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