Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 67 It turns out that Mr. You is not gay!

Chapter 67 It turns out that Mr. You is not gay!

It turns out that Mr. You is not gay!

Such explosive news is really surprising, pleasantly surprised and disappointed.

If they had known that the CEO was not gay, they should have used their provocative skills to flirt with the CEO.

The president You Haoze, who was wearing a well-tailored black suit, was no less wealthy than those famous and rich people who appeared in the magazines. He was gentle and refined, with a friendly smile. His every frown and smile touched the hearts of many female employees.

Look at the delicate-looking woman beside Mr. You, she is slim and looks very pure and pleasant.

Compared with myself, I suddenly felt full of negative emotions.

"A man of talent and a woman's appearance, they look so well matched!"

Despite the pain of loss in his heart, he still smiled on his face and had to compliment him.

Receiving probing eyes from all directions, Lin Zitong cast his eyes on You Haoze, his eyes desperately conveying the message of 'you should introduce me'.

You Haoze glanced around, not paying attention to those probing eyes.The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and his black eyes turned to Lin Zitong, with a smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to be full of affection.

His appearance seemed to reveal his true feelings, and he seemed to be perfectly acting out his affectionate appearance!

So gross!
The corners of Lin Zitong's mouth twitched almost invisibly, but the smile remained on his face.

Without saying a word, You Haoze directly led her into the company's transparent glass elevator.

Lin Zitong endured it desperately, almost suffering from internal injuries.

Does he have to show off so high-profile?The company obviously has a special elevator for the president, but he doesn't take the special elevator, so he has to squeeze together with the employees?
If you want to squeeze with employees, then squeeze together.Why choose transparent elevators?Are you afraid that others won't see him with a woman by his side?
The sunlight on the edge of the glass was extremely glaring, Lin Zitong turned his head to look at the scene outside the transparent elevator window, it was an orderly working environment.

Sure enough, every time the transparent elevator reaches a floor, employees will come in and out.Of course, the two also received a lot of attention.

It should be that many employees have met the president You Haoze and recognized him. Perhaps, more people have met the star Lin Zitong.

However, You Haoze smiled on his face, but he exuded the aura of a cold president, so cold that the employees consciously avoided him, and no one took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

You Haoze is quite satisfied with this, this is what he wants.

When the elevator reached the No.15 floor, a gentle man in a navy blue suit and a colorful tie came in.

The man was about 30 years old and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. When he saw You Haoze, he greeted you in a neither humble nor overbearing way: "Mr. You."

You Haoze embraced Lin Zitong with one hand, slanted the other in the pocket of his trousers, and casually replied, "Yes."

Lin Zitong felt that You Haoze's attitude and reaction were too cold.Could it be that his usual hippie smile, clinging to people like snot, is all aimed at her?

Lin Zitong raised his eyes and found that You Haoze was looking at her very seriously, as if he wanted to remember her eyes, nose and mouth.

She lowered her head shyly, wrapped her arms around his waist, and hummed softly.

In the eyes of others, the two of them looked like they were in love with each other.

When the man caught sight of Lin Zitong, he unconsciously raised his glasses on the bridge of his nose and took a closer look.

Seeing the man staring at his wife all the time, You Haoze coughed in displeasure, looking at him with a bit of chill.

(End of this chapter)

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