Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 674 Anyway, we are also a life-threatening friendship.

Chapter 674 Anyway, we are also a life-threatening friendship.

As a result, they were struck by a lightning strike, and those villains holding mobile phones were burnt to carbonization by the powerful electric current on the spot.

The boy spat: "If you do something bad, you will be struck by lightning!"

Lin Zitong was so frightened that he almost fainted on the spot, but fortunately he was the one who got involved with her.

Although the threat of the bad guys behind them is gone, nature still destroys these two poor children.

The raindrops hit their faces, the wind tore their clothes desperately, competed with them, and blocked their steps.

"Fatty girl, hold on!"

I don't know how long they walked, and they finally came to the door of a snack bar.

It just so happened that the owner of this snack bar was replenishing the stock and it wasn't closed yet.

The kind boss took pity on them, invited them to eat his signature snack, donkey rolling, and then took them in for a night.

This is the first time the teenager has eaten donkey rolling. It feels fresh, strange and delicious.

And Lin Zitong liked to eat donkey rolls before, coupled with the hunger and cold, now he ate his favorite food even more voraciously.

The next day, with the help of the owner of the snack bar, they called the police and recorded their statements.

Due to the sufficient clues they provided, the police quickly solved the case and successfully captured the bad guys.

Afterwards, Lin Zitong and Gang Dan were taken home by their families.

Before parting, the boy asked her: "Fatty girl, will you forget me?"

She replied: "No, at least our friendship is over."

It may be that the tense strings were suddenly relaxed, which made Lin Zitong sick the day he returned home.

Illness comes like a mountain!
This serious illness tortured her for a long time, and she gradually lost weight.

Lying on the hospital bed, she was groggy, feeling like she had a very horrible nightmare.

She kept hypnotizing herself that it was a nightmare.

And the experience of being kidnapped, framed and fleeing was sealed in her heart and became an untouchable memory.

After being seriously ill for a long time, after recovering from the illness, she became afraid of thunder.

In fact, she was not very afraid of thunder before, but after witnessing the bad guy being struck to death by lightning, she was frightened and became very afraid of thunder.

Whenever there was a thunderstorm, she would tremble with fright and have auditory hallucinations in her ears.

As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune.

Since Lin Zitong was kidnapped and disappeared for many days, after returning safely, her mother Lin Yunzhen's attitude towards her has improved a lot.

Mom took her to move, from the north to the south.

The mother and daughter started a new life.

Her mother enrolled her in music and dance training classes. Dancing made her well-proportioned, elegant, and dignified. Singing made her concentrate on memory, active thinking, and calm personality.

Under the influence of art, Lin Zitong has gradually grown into a calm, tolerant, independent and confident girl.

It's like an ugly duckling transformed into a beautiful white swan, gradually becoming a big beauty.


in the villa.

Lin Zitong seemed to be asleep, but also seemed to be awake.

Dizzy, she felt that there were many people around her.

Someone touched her forehead.

Someone took her pulse.

Someone rubbed her cheek lightly.

Then, someone covered her with a quilt.

In a daze, she heard someone talking.

"I'll prescribe some antipyretics for her. Mr. You, don't worry too much, there shouldn't be any major problems. She may be tired recently."

"Doctor Fang, you mean my wife, she, she is just sleeping?"

"you can say it this way."

Someone burst out laughing.

Someone let out a long breath.

Someone else snorted lightly, seeming slightly unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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