Chapter 676 It's so ugly!
"Xinyi, how much do you know Li Shao? He is not as simple as you think! A brother like him must have a plan when he is with you. You should not get too close to him, spend him Do you feel at ease about the unknown money?"

You Xinyi became furious all of a sudden, what are you talking about?

On the surface, it seems to be saying that Li Xinyou is not good, but in fact it is saying that she is not worthy of Li Xinyou.

Please, she, You Xinyi, is also a college student who wants to have a figure, a face, a face, an IQ, and an IQ!
She thought about those words carefully, and there was a deeper meaning.

Damn, what did Lin Zitong mean, didn't she mean that she relied on selling that meat?

"Lin Zitong, don't take my brother and protect you, you'll be arrogant. You're mocking me openly and secretly, don't think I don't understand! Brother Xinyou and I are not as miserable as you think!
He is my boyfriend, so he is willing to spend money on me, are you jealous?Why do you always step on Brother Xinyou so low every time you mention him?
In fact, he is very nice, not only handsome but also rich, gentle, considerate, funny and gentleman, he cares for me very much. "

Lin Zitong sneered in her heart: She didn't think Li Xinyou was so good.

It's really kind to be treated like a donkey's liver and lungs.

If people want to degenerate, Ladu can't help it. She thinks that she is talking about people like You Xinyi.

Depressed for a moment, she gradually realized that something seemed wrong.

Those words sounded like You Xinyi was praising how good Li Xinyou was, but it didn't seem that simple.

You Xinyi said that she was jealous, and that tone was like a challenge between rivals in love.

Could it be that Li Xinyou has already told her about their past?
After careful analysis, it should not be, Li Xinyou is not that boring.

Besides, You Xinyi's real heart is not on Li Xinyou, otherwise she wouldn't have hated her so much all this time.

"Xinyi, I've reminded you several times that Young Master Li is not a good man. You can listen to him or not, don't regret it in the future."

"Lin Zitong, I just don't understand. Does anyone I want to be with have anything to do with you? My brother doesn't care about my business anymore. What are you fussing about? Before talking about others, please take care of me." Look in the mirror to see what you are.

You are also worthy of plastic surgery like Zhong Shaoqing, hehe, you are admirable when you are with a natural handsome guy like my brother.

To be honest, I used to be a little envious and jealous when I saw the cool and handsome national male god Zhong Shaoqing express his love to you in a high-profile way.I always wondered what kind of shit luck you stepped on. How could such a good thing happen to you?

Hehe, now I fully understand, that face is fake!What a mess of ugly people!Oops, it's not scary to ruin the atmosphere of the entertainment industry, ugly is not terrible, ugly and bad are not!
Haha, the result is very satisfying, the national male god once fell from the altar and became the object of ridicule and spurn by the people. "

Awakened by You Xinyi's words, Lin Zitong recalled that before he fainted, he was reading news about Zhong Shaoqing's plastic surgery.

Then, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, and she was so frightened that she fainted and was haunted by nightmares.

The boy named Steel Dan in the dream was Zhong Shaoqing when he was a child.

Hearing You Xinyi's ear-piercing ridicule, she was so upset that her face turned cold.

is it so serious?

Before she fainted, she read the online news, and the news about Zhong Shaoqing's plastic surgery was still in the stage of breaking news.

What is the situation now?
(End of this chapter)

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