Chapter 695 Is He Handsome Or Am I?

After staring at each other for a while, Zhong Shaoqing's voice was a bit cold: "Ah Ze, how did you come in?"

You Haoze raised his haughty chin, and stared straight into Zhong Shaoqing's eyes: "I will come in as other people come in."

Does the other person in this guy's mouth refer to her?

Lin Zitong couldn't help raising his eyes to look at him, and couldn't help being startled, only to see sullen anger in his indifferent eyes.

He must have seen it all, and she looked away guiltily.

Zhong Shaoqing's voice became colder, and he snorted lightly: "What are you doing here?"

The two men fought each other with their eyes separated.

A gleam flashed in You Haoze's dark eyes, and he smiled mischievously: "Why, you want to sue me for illegally breaking into a private house? I also want to sue you for kidnapping a woman from a good family. I'll take my wife home, can't I?"

Listening to his eccentric words, Lin Zitong felt very uncomfortable, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

If he gets mad later and the two quarrel in front of Zhong Shaoqing, wouldn't Zhong Shaoqing see it as a joke?
Zhong Shaoqing smiled kindly and gritted his teeth: "Okay."

You Haoze turned his eyes to Zhong Shaoqing for a while, then looked at Lin Zitong again, smiling very reservedly.

"Is he handsome or am I handsome?"

Lin Zitong didn't dare to piss him off anymore, he looked at the two of them seriously, and answered without leaking, "Even handsome!"

You Haoze smiled indifferently, and sighed regretfully: "Hehe, your husband is naturally handsome, unlike someone who relies entirely on plastic surgery, no wonder his smile is so fake!"

After hearing the first half of his sentence, she was greatly relieved. It seemed that he and her had a consensus and would not quarrel with her in front of Zhong Shaoqing.

However, she only relaxed for a moment, and when she heard the second half of his sentence, her nerves immediately tensed up again.

This guy hurts people, this is the rhythm of firing!
Hearing this, Zhong Shaoqing's straight body shook slightly, and he rolled his eyelids.

"You Haoze, you are enough! Don't think that I don't know those old photos on the Internet, you exposed them!"

There was resentment and hatred in his words, and he did not hide his hostility towards You Haoze at all.

War is about to break out!
Lin Zitong only felt that one was the head of the other and the two were big. The two men were incompatible, and would strangle them to death as soon as they met. How could she resolve the hatred between them?
You Haoze's eyes fell on the face with a cold smile, the tired eyes were full of coldness, and his words were sarcasm.

"That's right, I exposed it, how about it? You bite me!"

His voice was neither soft nor heavy, but the sharp light from those black eyes made Lin Zitong shudder.

The man who had always been quiet finally couldn't bear it any longer, he clenched his fists.

"Aze, instead of having a verbal dispute here, do you dare to have a duel with me?"

You Haoze stroked the cuff button, and sneered: "Hit it, I will be afraid that you will fail!"

That sneer made people tremble in the bottom of their hearts.

Lin Zitong frowned lightly, she knew that You Haoze was very skilled.

Before, I saw him take care of Jiang Beikang in the Capital of Songshang. He singled out a dozen gangsters without any difficulty, and beat them to the ground in a short while.

However, seeing that he was going to duel with Zhong Shaoqing now, she was still a little flustered.

As a professional player, Zhong Shaoqing was very different from the mob that made trouble in the Capital of Songs.

Just now she heard Zhong Shaoqing say that she practiced taekwondo and boxing since she was a child, and if the two had to compete, You Haoze might not be able to get a bargain.

She didn't want to see You Haoze suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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