Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 7 Wife, you are the second person who asked me to blow-dry her hair.

Chapter 7 Wife, you are the second person who asked me to blow-dry her hair.

"My wife is understanding." You Haoze's slightly callused fingertips brushed her forehead and bridge of nose, which were both crisp and numb. "Don't worry, I will take care of these things."

She buried her face in his chest and nestled in his arms, her heart suddenly settled down.

Feeling his warm body temperature and rapid heartbeat, she couldn't help but caressed his chest.

As soon as she moved, she was imprisoned by him. His voice was hoarse: "Don't move around, dry your hair first."

Connecting the hair dryer to the power source, turning on the hair dryer switch, he began to blow her hair with his fingers.

"Honey, you are the second person who asked me to blow-dry her hair."

Lin Zitong narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is there the first one?"

"The first is myself."

She bent the corner of her lower lip, looked at his handsome face, and lowered her head to help her dry her hair seriously.

The movements of You Haoze's fingers were very gentle, and the warm wind was blowing on her hair. She closed her eyes comfortably and lay in his arms, her consciousness slowly becoming hazy.

It wasn't until her mobile phone rang suddenly that she opened her eyes in a daze. You Haoze had already picked up her mobile phone before her.

He looked down at the caller ID, snorted coldly, put the phone heavily on her hand, and then turned off the hair dryer.

After seeing the caller ID on the phone clearly, Lin Zitong nervously pressed it.

A chuckle came from above the head: "Pick it up. Why don't you pick it up?"

'I don't want to answer. Just as Lin Zitong came to his lips, when he raised his eyes to meet Hao Ze's deep gaze, he changed his words in a mysterious way: "Harassing calls, I'm too lazy to answer them."

You Haoze didn't say much, turned on the hair dryer again, and continued to blow her hair.

Lin Zitong played with / on his mobile phone.

I don’t know when there were a few more messages in WeChat, all from the same person.

The last message is: Cairu, are you home yet?

Cairu is not her screen name, but her character name in that play.Maybe the only person who calls her that is the hero Zhong Shaoqing.

Lin Zitong typed out two words, here we are.However, after some hesitation, it was removed.

She didn't feel it was wrong to do this in front of You Haoze. There was no need for her to hide such a trivial matter from him.

However, You Haoze was annoyed.

From seeing Zhong Shaoqing's enthusiasm for her on the TV screen, and seeing Zhong Shaoqing's call on her mobile phone just now, and seeing Zhong Shaoqing's message on her WeChat, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Lin Zitong exhaled softly: "Ah..."

This sound brought You Haoze back to his sanity, and he hastily turned off the hair dryer.

"Is it hot?" His fingers caressed her hair, and it slid down gently between his fingers. The hair was completely dry, and there was still some heat.

His face was as cold as a knife, his lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, and his black eyes were slightly narrowed in displeasure.This kind of temperament can attract girls to fall for him.

However, in Lin Zitong's eyes, it was a stranger.

Someone actually tried to hit his wife's idea?You Haoze raised the corners of his lips mockingly, and smiled disdainfully.

Some people just like to make fun of themselves, and there is no need for them to take those rivals in their eyes.

His weird smile made her tremble unconsciously, and she looked at him in bewilderment.

She knew that this was a sign of his anger, but she didn't know why he was angry?
"did you miss me?"

Lin Zitong was only wearing a bathrobe, and You Haoze easily put his hand in it.

The warm breath sprayed on her cheeks, and the itchy hair swept over her skin: "I'm not used to being hugged at night, right?"

He was obviously emotional, but his tone was very light. She faintly felt that he was a little different from usual.

(End of this chapter)

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