Chapter 71 Guilty?
Strawberry?It seems to be his favorite taste.

Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth, took it out and counted, and there were two missing in the whole box.

Lin Zitong's already gloomy face darkened again and again.

Probably because he found that her face was too serious, he couldn't bear to tease her anymore.

"Put your ears close, and I'll tell you what's going on."

She moved her ears closer.

He whispered something softly in her ear.

"You, you..." She was a little ashamed and indignant, unable to speak, curled her lips and looked away.

He knew that this guy couldn't make such a low-level mistake, and it turned out that he deliberately teased her again.

He looked her up and down, with a playful look in his eyes: "Guilty?"

"If you don't trust me, how about coming to the company to help me and watching me every day?"

She was aggrieved for a while, and bit his neck while he wasn't paying attention.

He let her make trouble, and a sly smile gradually rose from the corner of his mouth: "If you use this technique in other places, the effect will be better."

Seeing his acting like a baby, Lin Zitong's heart broke.

The whole person was lazily leaning against him, and it took a long time for her to realize the mystery in his words.

She glared at him sideways: "Mr. You, I think you are best described as a beast in clothes, a refined scum, etc."

He smiled lowly for a while, as if he had long been used to it, accepting such comments willingly.

"You are really shameless!" Seeing that the deep smile in his eyes became more and more wanton, she added in a low voice.

"Since you say I'm shameless, why don't I be even more shameless?"

When he laughed, his hands didn't stop.

"Don't make trouble... I, this is... at the company." Her slightly relaxed nerves tightened again, and she said these words intermittently.

"What are you afraid of? This whole building is yours. Even me is yours."

You Haoze's expression was like a cat teasing a mouse. When the mouse died, it depends on what the cat meant.

"This is... in the office..."

Because of the excessive tension, her voice was not smooth.

What if someone came in and saw it?
He has no face, she wants face!
"Don't worry, the door is locked and the phone line is unplugged... No one will disturb you."

Not only that, just now, while she was not paying attention, he even switched their mobile phones to airplane mode.

"'re broad daylight..."

"This kind of thing is divided into day and night?" Feeling a little helpless by her nervous appearance, You Haoze couldn't help laughing: "Honey, you are behind the times."

Lin Zitong wanted to say something, but the next words were blocked by him.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I've been imagining it in the office..."

She looked through the glass of the office, and the employees outside were doing things in an orderly manner, and she dodged: "Don't be here..."

"Relax. The glass is specially made, you can't see the inside from the outside, and the sound insulation effect is very good, don't be afraid."

Having said that, I still feel very ashamed: "No way..."

"Wife, do you know that I like to see you desperately enduring it, it's so cute."

(End of this chapter)

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