Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 719 Thinking of me as straw paper, want to throw it away after using it?

Chapter 719 Thinking of me as straw paper, want to throw it away after using it?

Because men are afraid of hurting the relationship between you, and even more afraid of hurting you.

So a man doesn't throw tantrums, and sometimes he just acts angry to let you know he's really angry.

A man just expresses his attitude. What you did in this matter is really problematic. He uses anger to explain this, but in fact he is not that angry.

Women are good at self-comfort.

Lin Zitong thought about it, You Haoze must be angry, and wanted to punish her, but he couldn't bear it.

In the end, he was just acting angry to express his attitude, not really leaving her alone.

Oh, is that true?

When she thought this way, she suddenly couldn't understand herself.

Obviously he left her behind, she was very angry at that time, but now hearing what he said, she felt a little sweet in her heart.

She couldn't help wondering if she had a tendency to be abused?

With a wry smile, she stretched out her hand and pinched his waist, but unfortunately she didn't even pinch his flesh.

He has been exercising all year round, which is very good.

In addition, recently, he has been busy with work and lost a lot of weight, and there is no fat on his waist.

Hmm, it's so sad that she couldn't commit domestic violence against him.

"Why are you pinching me?" The man grabbed her hand at once, with a serious expression on his face: "Honey, you are too unkind, you treat me like straw paper, and you want to throw it away after you use it up?"

She reacted for a few seconds before she understood what he meant, and blood rushed to her brain.

Where are you really willing to lose?

Amused by his words, she hugged him instead and buried her head in his arms: "Why do you keep a straight face when you eat?"


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward and quiet.

After a while, You Haoze considered his words, and finally said: "I feel a little sick to my stomach."

He didn't hide it. When she asked, he just said it, but it was a evasive answer.

Stomach pain?

Lin Zitong felt a slight pain in his heart, and his brain exploded with a 'boom'.

In an instant, her heart was filled with bitterness, remorse, guilt, and self-blame, and she was blocked by those emotions.

She struggled for a long time, and it turned out to be like this.

No wonder, when he was eating, he seemed to have no appetite at all.

She was so careless.

Before, in the president's office, she met him with a stomachache attack.

But then, he denied it.

At that time, she was full of annoyance about what happened between him and Xin Ying, and she didn't take his stomachache seriously.

Before going out today, she also saw him pressing his stomach with a painful expression on his face.At that time, he should have had a real stomachache, but he said he was teasing her.

Fortunately, she believed it.

Thinking about it now, he said that deliberately over and over again, probably because he didn't want her to worry.

If it had been her who had the stomachache, he would have noticed it a long time ago.

All along, he has been taking care of her, and she enjoys his devotion, his favor, and his protection.

When eating together, she didn't even notice his stomachache.

She was so neglectful of him.

In fact, she knew that his stomach was not very good.

As the president of You's Group, he is busy with work and has a lot of entertainment, so it is not uncommon for him to suffer from stomach problems more or less.

The most terrible thing is that some time ago, she often had cold wars with him.

In relationships, the cold war is probably the most hurtful thing.

Someone compared the Cold War to a rainstorm:
I don't have an umbrella, and standing in front of your door, I wanted to knock on your door several times to ask if you could take shelter.

But I didn't, I just kept standing in the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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