Chapter 725
Clicking to accept, she hooked her lips, and the two quietly accompanied each other to have breakfast.

She couldn't help thinking that she often laughed at him for being naive, but she didn't know that sometimes she herself was quite naive.

Hehe, there is a saying that is true at all, a person who falls in love is like a psychopath, and his IQ has returned to zero.

After the two finished their breakfast in silence, she ordered: "Remember to eat on time at noon, and if you are not busy at night, come back early."

"it is good."

After that, Lin Zitong sat on the sofa in the living room with his mobile phone and surfed the Internet.

Early in the morning, the pages of many entertainment websites were occupied by a group of intimate, intimate photos of her and You Haoze taken at Zhong Shaoqing's villa.

Those photos looked like they were stolen by paparazzi, but in fact, she knew well that You Haoze deliberately released them.

There is also a group photo of the two holding hands in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

No wonder, at that time, he only held her hand because he knew that there were paparazzi taking photos.

Including the photo of You Haoze kissing her in the courtyard when he went to pick her up in the courtyard a few days ago, and the intimate photo of the two of them shopping together in the past, all of them were put on the bright side.

Even the photos taken by fans at the food stall a month ago were dug up.

In the past, she would feel ashamed when she saw such a picture, but now she looks at it without feeling.

This is because she has been with him for a long time, and under his influence, her skin has also thickened, right?

You Haoze is indeed a first-class expert in mobilizing and teaching women!
Now, she doesn't dislike openly showing affection with You Haoze at all, anyway, he is her legitimate husband, so she doesn't care what others think.

Everything proved that the video of her slapping You Haoze was just a farce, and the relationship between the couple was very good, like glue.

She searched every corner, but she couldn't find a photo of Zhong Shaoqing and her life together, and she was relieved.

It seems that what Xiao Zifeng said is correct, the videos of her and Zhong Shaoqing's group photos were all bought out by You Haoze.

I don't know how much he spent. Now that the company is in financial crisis again, he has to spend money to settle these things. I really feel sorry for him!
Hey, I blame myself for always causing trouble, but I always let him follow behind to wipe my ass.

After browsing the webpage for a while, she probably figured out the current situation. Her reputation has been greatly shaken, and her reputation is mixed.

Originally, the fans trampled her under their feet, and her image completely collapsed, but because You Haoze supported her, she tried her best to restore her image in the hearts of the public.

When she fell into the abyss, it was he who turned the tide, reversed the situation, and rescued her from the bottom of the cliff.

In this world, an infatuated and dedicated man always gives people inexplicable affection. Maybe the fans don't like her, but they will definitely like You Haoze.

If You Haoze debuts as a star, he will definitely be the hottest, hottest and most dazzling star.

Aiwujiwu, many fans have changed their positions and started to follow her back.

In other words, You Haoze resolved her crisis without making a fuss.

Don't look at this guy, who always has a playful smile in front of her on weekdays, he is quite reliable in his work!
If it weren't for him to pamper and protect her, how could she live so comfortably.

After browsing the online news, Lin Zitong picked up an entertainment magazine on the coffee table and flipped through it.

These are all arranged by You Haoze.

The reason why entertainment books and magazines can be seen everywhere in the home and office is not that You Haoze is interested in it, he is not that boring.

Most likely because of her.

(End of this chapter)

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