Chapter 730 Shut up!
So, the driver drove the two of them back to You's Manor.

Lin Zitong, who was sitting in the car along the way, felt uneasy and guilty after not going to the manor for more than three months.

What is disturbing is that there are black materials about her everywhere on the Internet, including the scandal between her and Zhong Shaoqing.

The guilty thing is that for a long time, she, the daughter-in-law, did not come to visit her in-laws.

Since taking over the filming of "The Young Master with a Fan", she has been very busy filming.

In addition to those things that happened, she subconsciously wanted to escape, not daring to face her in-laws' accusations frankly.

However, what should be faced must be faced.

She secretly said to herself that when she saw her in-laws, no matter what they said, no matter how ugly they were, she would swallow it and not talk back.

For the sake of You Haoze, she had to endure, not to make her in-laws angry, and make it difficult for him to be caught in the middle.

She must have a good relationship with her in-laws.

Needless to say, his father-in-law, Youyouwei, has a deep understanding of righteousness, and You Haoze has inherited his father's fine traditions.

Her mother-in-law, Mo Guiying, has a typical smile with a hidden knife, and You Xinyi's personality is more like her mother.

The two of them, mother and daughter, have one heart and breathe out through the same nostril.

As soon as the gate of the manor opened, the driver drove the car into the manor and directly to the main house.

You Xinyi and Lin Zitong entered the room one after the other.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Hearing her daughter's voice, Mo Guiying greeted her with a smile, but when she saw Lin Zitong behind her, her smile suddenly disappeared.

Mo Guiying was obviously stunned for a moment, and then her whole face fell down, becoming gloomy and terrifying.

You Youwei, on the other hand, always had a gentle smile on his face.

Lin Zitong had expected that the meeting would be like this, and Lin Zitong felt calm in his heart.

If Mo Guiying can still give her a good face with You Haoze behind her back, then she will feel strange.

The room was silent, and the atmosphere became dignified and dull.

Lin Zitong was surprised to find that after only seeing each other for more than three months, the second elder of the You family seemed to have more gray hair, presumably because he was worried about You Haoze.

Suddenly feeling her nose sore, she couldn't tell what it was like, so she forced a smile and said hello.

"Dad, mom."

"Hey, my daughter-in-law, what kind of wind brought you here today."

Everyone present could hear the sarcasm and coldness in Mo Guiying's words.

You Xinyi pursed her lips calmly, with a look of gloating, she stood aside and waited for someone to be punished.

Being choked up by her mother-in-law, Lin Zitong didn't know how to answer her words.

Although that is not very pleasant to say, it is the truth.

She pursed her lips and remained silent, lowering her head slightly, her attitude was like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting for her parents to criticize her.

You Youwei stepped forward and displayed his sense of justice.

"Wife, it's rare for the daughter-in-law to come back, so don't flirt with embarrassment every now and then."

"you shut up!"

Mo Guiying glanced over with a cold look, almost frostbite him: "Which eye of yours saw me turn my face? Can't I even say hello to my daughter-in-law?"

You Youwei was frightened by his wife's fierce eyes, and trembled back a word.


Lin Zitong suddenly understood why You Haoze would have an exaggerated reaction when he occasionally lost his temper.

This father and son is such a treasure, so funny.

The corners of Lin Zitong's mouth twitched slightly, as if he wanted to laugh, but he finally held back.

Mo Guiying's eyes turned slightly, and she stared straight at her. She didn't speak for a long time, staring at her until her heart was terrified.

She had no choice but to apologize, "Mom."

(End of this chapter)

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