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Chapter 742 Li Xinyou, you really make me sick!

Chapter 742 Li Xinyou, you really make me sick!

The two dated for several months before she was willing to let him hold hands.

She always deliberately dodges his mouth and don't.

He thought how reserved and self-loving she was, and he couldn't bear to touch her before he got married.

However, the strawberry on her neck, like a provocation, poured out the love and entanglement between her and You Haoze.

He stared fiercely at the clear trace, gritted his teeth uncomfortably, and swallowed the blood into his stomach.

In time, he will erase all the marks You Haoze left on her body, and her body will only have his marks on her body.

After Lin Zitong put on the earrings, she looked up at him. "Say it."

Li Xinyou remained silent, his eyes fixed on her neck.

Seeing that he didn't speak, but just stared at her angrily, as if she had made an unforgivable mistake, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Young Master Li, I look down on you!"

After saying that, she quickly took off the pair of earrings.

This man obviously didn't want to tell her the answer, but just used her curiosity to play her around.

She is so stupid, how could she believe his nonsense?
The man was provoked by her words and deeds, and a burst of jealousy burst forth.

"If I don't do something, wouldn't I be sorry for your evaluation?"

She didn't take his words to heart, and she didn't want to break up with him anymore.

However, just as she was about to leave, her arm was grabbed by him who suddenly approached.

The force was strong enough to take away her ability to think.

Being grabbed by him, Lin Zitong subconsciously pushed him, after all the strength gap between men and women is too great.

Despite her best efforts, he remained motionless like a mountain.

He opened his mouth to call out, but was blocked by his mouth.

The sound was drowned out, and the man's smell was overwhelming.

Her heartbeat was a little messy.

This feeling is different from the gentle and comfortable feeling when You Haoze kissed her, it only made her feel extremely angry and humiliated.

There was a tumbling in her stomach, the nausea was unbearable!
It was as if a raging fire was burning her nerves, causing her to feel panic and fear in her heart.

Her hands were controlled by him, but her feet were free.

Taking advantage of his chance to focus on talking to her, her high heels stomped on him hard.

Pain, who told you to force me!
However, he stepped on his feet with all his breastfeeding strength, but he didn't cry out in pain.

However, he let her go.

"You can sleep with Zhong Shaoqing and You Haoze, why can't you sleep with me? When we are together, I will accommodate you more. If you say no, then don't.

I love you so much, I love you so much that I can't bear to touch you, but I never expected that you are such a casual woman! "

Too much love to bear to touch?

How did this man become so frivolous!

In the past, he was so gentle and gentle, never forcing her to do what she didn't want to do, let alone embarrassing her.

However, he deliberately humiliated her now!

The anger in Lin Zitong's heart was ignited, and he raised his hand and threw it in his face, regardless of his status as the son of the club.

Just as the hand was raised in the air, he was caught, caught, and held by the wrist with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Beating people casually is not a good habit! This bad habit has to be corrected, I won't spoil you like they do."

Zhong Shaoqing, You Haoze, the videos of these two men being slapped by her were exposed one after another.

Li Xinyou didn't want a video of her slapping him in the face to be exposed on the Internet one day.

Although accepting her slap obediently can prove to the world his true love for her, this approach seems very stupid.

"Li Xinyou, you really make me sick!"

(End of this chapter)

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