Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 757 Do you think it is possible for me to be with you in this life?

Chapter 757 Do you think it is possible for me to be with you in this life?

She always thought that she didn't know him well enough, but now she realized that she knew him so well.

"Yinger, do you remember what I said?"

Hearing those instructions just now, Xin Ying had mixed feelings and was extremely sad. For the first time, she felt ashamed of You Haoze and Lin Zitong in her heart.

She understood how different she was from Lin Zitong.

In this life, she probably won't be able to reach Lin Zitong's high level.

Love never needs to be publicized.

True love is not possession, but sincerely hope that the other party will live well.

To put it bluntly, her love is too superficial, not as deep as Lin Zitong's.

It wasn't until now that Xin Ying discovered that Lin Zitong was a really nice woman, honest, kind and generous, with a good temper who would hurt others, tolerate her lover, and always think about her lover.

Her love for You Haoze is selfless and sincere.

Which man doesn't like such a woman?
If she had treated him like Lin Zitong taught him back then, maybe they would not have broken up.

If the two sisters did not love the same man, then they would definitely be a loving family.

It's a pity that God's will makes people.

Compassion is what everyone has.

Moved is moved, Xin Ying has no intention of quitting.

In order to get You Haoze and the child in her womb, she could only go forward bravely.

"Remember, thank you, sister. Thank you for your fulfillment, thank you for giving him to me, I will definitely do as you said. Sister, I'm sorry, I really love him so much. If possible, I I hope to compensate you in other ways."

"You don't need to apologize or thank you. I did this for myself. Now that You's Group is in financial crisis, the funds may not be able to turn around. If you have the ability to help him, please do so."

"it is good."

Lin Zitong's tears fell, and her voice was choked up.

"You have been together for so many years, presumably he also liked you very much at that time. I believe you will make him happy, and I wish you all the best."

"Sister, you are too kind."


Lin Zitong watched Xin Ying leave the coffee shop, then took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Xinyou's number.

Over there, it was quickly picked up.

"Does it mean that as long as I divorce You Haoze, you will stop?"

"Then are you going to come back to me?"

"After you did those things that hurt me, even my husband, do you think it's possible for me to be with you in this life?"

"Okay, as long as you leave You Haoze, I won't make things difficult for them anymore."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zitong's heart felt as if a big rock had been hit suddenly, and his thoughts were as confused and chaotic as flowers.

In fact, when she called Xin Ying to ask her to meet, she had already started to regret it.

She loves You Haoze, and there is no other woman in this world who can love him like her.

But why did God make fun of her like this?

She couldn't bear him, and when she forced herself to let go, her heart hurt like being torn apart.

Thinking that he will never belong to her again, his sadness, his happiness, his tears, his smile, his tenderness, his pampering, and his breath will never have anything to do with her again, what should I do?
Why did she feel heartbroken when she thought of this?

The dishes he likes to eat, the words he likes to say, the clothes he wears, the way he frowns, every expression and every movement, how long will it take her to forget in the future?

What kind of expression should she make when she encounters similar items that he used in the future and hears the same words that he said?
(End of this chapter)

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