Chapter 761 Don't do stupid things.

How awkward this word sounds, how ambiguous that action looks.

Lin Zitong always felt that the relationship between the two of them was weird, maybe it was his own illusion, but Xiao Zifeng looked at Rong Jing with a hint of pampering.

She twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled a little far-fetched: "Quiet, don't get me wrong, I'm afraid you're too busy."

Haha, the real reason is that she doesn't know how to face Rong Jing anymore.

Before, Rong Jing repeatedly persuaded her to divorce You Haoze, but she was stubborn and refused to leave.

Now that she has decided to divorce, she doesn't know how to tell Rong Jing about it.

"Don't you know that I have a single day off on weekends?"

Rong Jing raised her eyebrows, and said sharp words like a whip, and gracefully spit out from her lips: "What's going on in your head, you're just pretending to be that scumbag?"

Seeing that the smile on Lin Zitong's face gradually froze, Xiao Zifeng hurriedly smoothed things over.

"Okay, stop teasing Zi Tong, she is in a bad mood."

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Rong Jing leaned over to look at the screen of his mobile phone for the first time, and when she saw the name jumping on it, she turned her head away in a dull manner.

Lin Zitong was slightly surprised, when did this Rong Jing become so gossip?

Do you even want to find out what other people call Xiao Zifeng?
However, her own heart is in a mess, where can she have the leisure to speculate on other people's thoughts?

After Xiao Zifeng answered the call, he left.

As soon as he left, Rong Jing moved a seat and sat next to Lin Zitong.

Damn, I don't know who valued sex over friends.

"Not in a good mood? Zitong, what's wrong?"

Lin Zitong pursed her lips and sighed softly, "I want a divorce."

I thought Rong Jing would applaud after hearing this, but she pulled her face down: "Why do you suddenly want to divorce? Before, didn't you say that you were willing to give that scumbag a chance and that you didn't want to be separated from him?"

It could be heard that Rong Jing's words contained some questioning meaning.

That's right, I once said that, and said that I only recognize You Haoze as my husband in this life.

However, she never thought that such a thing would happen later.

Lin Zitong curled the corners of his mouth bitterly, and lowered his head: "Before, didn't you always persuade me to divorce him? Now, I'm finally leaving, why don't you support me?"

To be honest, Rong Jing's reaction still surprised her.

Rong Jing hated iron for being weak, and the smile on her lips had disappeared without a trace: "Zi Tong, I knew that you would definitely change your mind. It's only been a few days. Sigh, no matter what happens in the future. , you will always go on this road.”

Hearing something wrong in the words, she asked with some doubts in her tone, "Actually, you have always disapproved of my divorce, right?"

"I'd rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage. If you really plan to divorce him, I'll definitely advise you not to. To be fair, Mr. You really cares about you. He loves and protects you so much. , even I was moved by him. Don't do stupid things."

Lin Zitong had a momentary flash, but quickly lowered his head to restrain his emotions.

After a while, she said with a serious tone, word by word: "Oh, Xin Ying's baby is already moving, and it will be born in a few months."

I thought Rong Jing's attitude would make a 180-degree turn immediately when this incident was brought up, but imagination was far from reality.

"Wow, don't tell me that you want to quit and fulfill her." Rong Jing was so angry that she almost wanted to give her a shudder: "Then I will really vomit blood three liters from your anger."

(End of this chapter)

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