Chapter 763 Mr. You really likes children.

Rong Jing picked up the mocha coffee, tasted it with relish, and didn't rush her to answer.

"This coffee tastes quite authentic, really good."

After chatting with Xiao Zifeng and Rong Jing, Lin Zitong was in a better mood, and after drinking more than half of the glass of milk, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Mr. You really likes children, and mentioned having children in front of me several times. I don't want him to have regrets in his life, let alone one day he will blame me."

Hearing this, the coffee in Rong Jing's mouth almost spit out: "It's the 21st century now, do you still have the thought of passing on the family line?"

With mixed feelings in her heart, she sighed: "His family business must be inherited."

Rong Jing glanced at her, and said leisurely: "Adopt one, how easy it is."

Lin Zitong was speechless.

She couldn't figure it out, why in her eyes, the sky was falling, but in the eyes of others, it was not worth mentioning?
Is she really too stubborn?

People's emotions are contagious, what kind of person you are with, and what kind of person you will become.

When you are with positive people, you feel positive energy.Being with negative people radiates negative energy.When you are with optimistic people, you will also be generous.With pessimistic people, you will complain about everything.

She was still a little thankful in her heart, thanks to the fact that she didn't hold on to her life, poured out her bitterness to them, relieved her depression, and felt much better.

Rong Jing finished her cup of coffee and beckoned the waiter to come over.

"Buy the order."

Lin Zitong quickly took out a platinum card from his bag and handed it over: "Swipe the card."

She was the host today, how could she have the nerve to let Rong Jing pay for it?

When the waiter saw the platinum card, his eyes almost straightened, and he took the platinum card, feeling heavy in his hand.

After paying the bill, Rong Jing took Lin Zitong's arm and walked out, saying as she walked, "Mrs. You, let's go, take your platinum card, and I'll take you shopping."

Lin Zitong secretly rolled his eyes: "No money."


Rong Jing burst out into exaggerated laughter, which was inexplicable.

At that moment, Lin Zitong felt that the people around him cast strange glances at the two of them.

She couldn't help but want to find a hole in the ground to hide in.

After laughing, Rong Jing said solemnly: "Stop teasing me, Mrs. You. You told me you have no money, are you sure you didn't mean to press your man's face on the ground and rub it?"

Lin Zitong whispered: "It's not like you don't know that the You Group is in deep financial crisis, so how dare I spend money recklessly right now?"

Rong Jing was a little speechless: "Haven't you heard a saying, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, this little money is still affordable, right? It's rare that I have time to accompany you out for a stroll today, girl, let's go, don't you?" Disappointed."

Lin Zitong coughed twice and practiced Tai Chi: "Aren't I going to get a divorce? How dare I spend his money again."

"Isn't this still divorced? Husband's money should be spent and still have to be spent. If you don't spend it, someone will spend it for you!"

If the wife is invincible, who will spend the money she earns!
Similarly, if you don't hurt your own woman, someone will help you.

Rong Jing saw that Lin Zitong's face was becoming more and more ugly, so she changed the topic.

"Besides, don't you have any private money yourself? You shouldn't, the drama "Marry Love" you participated in this year is so popular, you should have made a lot of money, right?"

"It's still useful for me to save money."

(End of this chapter)

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