Chapter 776 You won't understand.

"Did I laugh?" Appropriate fashion can be crazy and silly, which can relieve embarrassment.

As a qualified light bulb, turn it on when it should be on, and turn it off when it should be off.

Lin Zitong lowered his head and ate breakfast in silence, feeling too miserable.

Fortunately, Xiao Zifeng was also very sensible. He used the excuse of rushing to work, finished his breakfast in a hurry, and left.

Rong Jing sent him downstairs and came back after a long time.

Lin Zitong looked at Rong Jing's slightly red, swollen lips, and he knew what the two of them had done downstairs, and he was even more upset.

If it wasn't for staying here as a light bulb, why would the two of them be so sneaky.

Realizing something, Rong Jing's face finally showed some embarrassment, she lightly clenched her left hand into a fist, and raised her hand to cover it.

Lin Zitong had already turned his gaze away.

"You guys did a good job keeping secrets. When did you get together?"

Rong Jing didn't answer her directly, but complained: "You only have that scumbag You Haoze in your eyes, and Zifeng and I are there. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

This woman was still beating her up, Lin Zitong's heart suddenly moved, she put on a straight face, and asked seriously.

"Don't change the subject! Tell me honestly, how did you get on?"

Before, Lin Zitong felt that the two of them were having an affair, and the scene when they sang together in the capital of music a few months ago came to mind.

Rong Jing ordered the song "I Really Love You", and after she finished singing, Xiao Zifeng answered the song "After 1000 Years".

In a hurry, she ordered the song "Borrowing from the Sky for Another 500 Years", sang it twice and it was done.

At that time, she joked with a smile, 'You are such a happy couple. '.

I didn't expect that joke to become true.

"Just a few months ago when we had a party in the Capital of Songs, he sent me home. At that time, both of us had a drink, and then..."

It was rare that Rong Jing's face turned red.

Lin Zitong's heart skipped a beat: "Get out together?"


Well, wine as a medium or catalyst always makes love happen weirdly and beautifully.

"No wonder I went to WeChat to ask you a question at [-] or [-]:[-] in the morning that day, and you replied in seconds, so it was like this. You also said that if he was a boy, there would be no men in the world."

In fact, she really wanted to ask who moved her heart first, but she couldn't ask some questions.

Rong Jing had black lines all over her head: "Hey, can you not mention those embarrassing things?"

As soon as her tone changed, she tactfully changed the subject: "Zi Tong, do you want to see that scumbag?"

She squinted her eyes and stared at Rong Jing narrowly: "I was just about to ask you, how did Mr. You know that I live here?"

Rong Jing felt guilty for no reason, and smiled mischievously: "Why are you looking at me like that? Do you doubt me? Damn, you specifically told me not to let me tell, how could I tell him you are here?"

Lin Zitong sighed softly, "I'm sorry, alas."

"Why, it's been so many days, you still haven't figured it out, and you still want a divorce?" Rong Jing sighed, "I can't count how many times you've been in a trance when we're together these days. You obviously care so much. Why did he force himself to let go?"

"Quiet, you won't understand."

Rong Jing looked at him in confusion, amused: "Yes, I really don't understand you. You haven't separated yet, you just miss him so much, if you separate, will you still be alive?"

She frowned slightly and lowered her voice: "I just didn't get used to it at first."

Rong Jing unceremoniously pierced her mind: "I can assure you that you will never be able to adapt to it."

(End of this chapter)

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