Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 779 Is this his explanation for his abnormal behavior that day?

Chapter 779 Is this his explanation for his abnormal behavior that day?
"Did you think that if you delete that message, it's over? Let me tell you, this matter will always be remembered in my heart!"

"Okay, then keep it in mind."

He sneered coldly, and rubbed, stroked lightly with his fingers and abdomen on her shank.

Those pitch-black eyes were as deep as a dark pool, and their eyes seemed to be burning with a dangerous fire.

Startled by his sudden sneer, she raised her eyes and looked into his bottomless black eyes.

"Why are you avoiding me these days? Don't you need to explain to me?"

"Explain what?"

"Didn't you see the photos I sent you? You cuddled with Li Xinyou and let him kiss you. Tell me, how do you explain to me?"

Feeling a 'boom', Lin Zitong's mind exploded and turned into a mess.

He saw the scene where Li Xinyou kissed her?
Is this his explanation for his unusual behavior that day?
Her cell phone has been turned off for several days, how do I know what photos he sent her?
"My phone was turned off, so I didn't see any photos."

"No wonder, I can't get through to your mobile phone, and I can't reply to text messages, WeChat, and emails. It seems to have disappeared from my world."

"Wait a minute, I'll get my phone and have a look."

The phone screen turned on, and within a minute of turning it on, she received countless text messages and many missed call reminders.

WeChat, dozens of messages.

All WeChat text messages are basically sent by You Haoze.

He explained to her seriously that it was the photo of Li Xinyou and her that stimulated him.

【When I saw Li Xinyou kissing you, I felt like the sky was going to collapse at that moment, and when I fainted for a while, I would do something to hurt you...】

Clicking on those photos, it was an extremely flirty, ambiguous photo of her and Li Xinyou.

The photos were taken in villas and manors, and they were obviously taken from special angles. The two people in the photos seemed to be in love with each other.

I don't know which wicked ghost took these photos?
She immediately thought of You Xinyi, shit, this girl is so scheming.

Didn't You Xinyi deliberately punish her?

Such a photo would make any normal man furious when he saw it.

Who can bear the intimacy of his wife with other men?
After figuring out the ins and outs, Lin Zitong felt a burst of resentment in his heart, and he didn't want to give him any explanation!
"Hmph, this is all a good thing that your precious sister did!
Hehe, you want me to explain, what explanation do you want me to give you?When you saw these photos, you didn't investigate clearly, so you came to blame me?

You can ask Aunt Zhang about this matter, I asked her to follow me all the way in the manor that day.If I really want something to happen to Li Xinyou, do I have to do this? "

"It's true that Xinyi did something dishonest, and I will settle the score with her."

Hearing this, the resentment in Lin Zitong's heart disappeared.

Seriously, she felt that You Xinyi couldn't be blamed for this, but that bastard Li Xinyou should be blamed.

If it wasn't for Li Xinyou's frivolous behavior and deliberately teasing her, You Xinyi wouldn't have taken advantage of it.

She is very satisfied with You Haoze's attitude towards things. Between his wife and younger sister, he obviously favors his wife.

But when she heard what he said next, she couldn't help getting angry again.

The man looked at her gloomyly, and there was a hint of mockery in Ru Mo's deep eyes: "You tell me, what do you want to do when you meet Li Xinyou in private?"

(End of this chapter)

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