Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 781 This is the only way to express my heart.

Chapter 781 This is the only way to express my heart.

Why does his words sound a bit cheap?
Aren't you afraid that Rong Jing will laugh at him?

Rong Jing understood her thoughts: "You don't need to say anything, go back with him."

You Haoze held Lin Zitong's shoulders, just walked a few steps, before reaching the door, he suddenly heard Rong Jing shout from behind.

"and many more."

The two turned their heads and looked at her inexplicably.

Rong Jing pursed her lips, and turned her eyes to the fiery red roses on the coffee table: "Zi Tong, take that bouquet of roses back."

Did you make a mistake!
The corners of Lin Zitong's mouth twitched slightly, and he blurted out: "No more, I'll save the vase for you."

It felt so strange for her to go out with this huge bouquet of roses.

Rong Jing snorted softly, and there was no lack of sarcasm in her tone: "My house is such a big place, where can such a big vase hold this big bouquet of roses?"

Who in the room couldn't tell that what she said was deliberately mocking the person who gave the flowers?

A dark light quickly flashed across You Haoze's dark eyes, but his face was flat, without any emotion.

Lin Zitong froze in place, a little undecided.

It seems that Rong Jing has a lot of opinions on You Haoze, she often says that he is a scumbag, and she is indeed the same.

However, Rong Jing really felt sorry for her, fearing that she would regret it for the rest of her life, so she advised her to live a good life with him.

Now, what should she do?
Leave the flowers, it seems that Rong Jing is not happy.

Moreover, she was also afraid of making You Haoze unhappy, after all, he gave the rose to him, and being so disgusted, maybe he would never give it away again.

It's a great feeling to receive flowers.

However, such a large bouquet of flowers is too ostentatious for her to carry all the way back, right?
Will the arm dislocate from fatigue?
Seeing her stunned and not moving, Rong Jing added: "It's not like you don't know, let that vinegar bucket meet, and there will be another quarrel."

Seeing her embarrassed face, You Haoze whispered softly in her ear: "Honey, do you still like flowers?"

Lin Zitong nodded sincerely: "I like it, but it's too big to hold."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier."

You Haoze walked to the tea table with long legs, bent down and picked up the bouquet of roses, leaving one free hand to hold hers.

Seeing him struggling with one hand, Lin Zitong couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't give away such a big bouquet in the future, if you want to give it, just give it a few flowers."

You Haoze held her hand, smiling all over his eyes: "How can I do that, I can't express my heart otherwise."

Feng Shui turns.

There is dog food everywhere in life.

Seeing the young couple in front of them flirting and cursing like no one else, Rong Jing felt like ten thousand alpacas were galloping past her heart.

So tired!
Too grind!

I just hope that these two people will disappear from her eyes soon.

"If you have anything to say, can't you go back and talk about it?"

After receiving the eviction order, the two of them had a good sense of humor, and they held hands and consciously walked towards the door.

After walking a few steps, You Haoze suddenly turned around and said to Rong Jing.


Lin Zitong didn't know what he was thanking him for, exactly?
Thank Rong Jing for taking care of his wife these days?
Rong Jing pouted, but did not respond.

Seems to really hate him.

After getting into the Rolls Royce, You Haoze threw the bouquet of roses on the back seat.

After closing the car door, he leaned over and started kissing her.

She froze, staring at him with wide eyes.

Seeing that his face was not only exhausted, but also longing for her.

"Honey, I miss you so much these days."

His voice is mellow and magnetic, as if with a natural charm.

At that moment, she removed all pretense and was willing to submit to him without any dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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