Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 783 What do you want to buy, go, my husband will take you to buy, buy, buy.

Chapter 783 What do you want to buy, go, my husband will take you to buy, buy, buy.

There were many shop assistants around watching, she didn't dare to show him face on the spot, so she half pushed and half let it go.

Several shop assistants praised in unison: "It's so beautiful!"

Pretty ghost!
Wearing sunglasses, I didn't even see the whole face, but it's still beautiful!

Who are you fooling?

Lin Zitong cursed in his heart, hum, if you sell this pair of earrings, you don't know how much commission you can get.

Who wouldn't say some compliments!
Surprisingly, she saw the light from You Haoze's eyes, and she looked very obsessed.

After staring for a moment, he lowered his head and pecked her cheek lightly: "The earrings match you very well!"

As soon as she heard this, she suddenly felt worse.

Sure enough, the next moment, You Haoze raised his jaw at the store manager, and took out his platinum card from his wallet.

"I want these earrings!"

Those shop assistants were all in awe of You Haoze, and pink bubbles appeared in their eyes!
You Haoze whispered in Lin Zitong's ear: "Remember the password."

Of course she remembers the password, isn't it her birthday, she just swiped it some time ago.

But she doesn't want it, is it too late to stop him now?

Looking at the mixed eyes of those shop assistants who were envious, jealous and happy, she couldn't speak.

She pressed a string of codes with her slender fingers, which caused a burst of sighs.

After swiping the card to pay, the two were bowed and sent out of the store.

"Mr. You, do you really enjoy the feeling of being sought after by many women?"

"It feels okay." He responded quietly, but suddenly felt something was wrong, and changed his tone: "What's wrong?"

"Spending millions to buy a pair of earrings, are you out of your mind?"

Buying a pair of diamond rings for millions of dollars is barely passable, at least it has commemorative significance.

What do you buy earrings for?
Lin Zitong pouted, looking very annoyed.

Could she not be annoyed, now that the You Group is in financial crisis, how can he still spend money like this?
"Things are only expensive if they are good. If you like them, you can buy them when you have to. It costs more than 300 million to buy your heart. It's so worth it."

You Haoze smiled and pinched her earlobe: "When you see the earrings in the future, you must think of me. Don't think about him in your heart. You can't even think about it secretly."

It was only after she heard this that she realized that he had thought about it.

The annoyance in my heart disappeared, and I was suddenly filled with sweetness, feeling that there were love bubbles in the air.

In fact, when she decided to wear the pair of earrings that Li Xinyou gave her that day in the manor, she had already passed the hurdle in her heart.

She was very sure that her heart had already been given to the man in front of her.

The heart the size of a fist is full of him.

However, at this moment she pouted: "Hmph, you are so extravagant and wasteful, if I had known, I would not have saved you money. A few days ago, I went shopping with Rong Jing, and I was not willing to buy many things. "

"No matter how expensive something is for you, don't waste it. You also said that when I called you that day, I just wanted to tell you not to be reluctant to spend money. Even my wife is afraid to spend money, so my husband What's the use?"

You Haoze's handsome face was full of smiles, he took her hand and said, "What do you want to buy, let's go, my husband will take you to buy it."

She gently broke away from his hand, with a slight melancholy on her brows: "No more, I have nothing to buy now."

The thought of spending more than 300 million yuan to buy a pair of earrings gave her a heartache.

He stretched out his hand to pull her again: "Then follow me to the room."

Her face was on fire, and she raised her head to stare at him: "You man is really straightforward!"

(End of this chapter)

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