Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 79 is over, and it's time to step on the thunder again.

Chapter 79 is over, and it's time to step on the thunder again.

No matter what Zhong Shaoqing wants to do, he just accepts the move. Could it be that he is still afraid?He wants to see what tricks Zhong Shaoqing can play!

Zhong Shaoqing wanted to punish him, but whoever punished him would say otherwise.

Jin Yan was confused by the president's nonsensical words. Was he talking about this project?

Seeing Jin Yan standing still, You Haoze asked lightly: "Is there anything else?"

"This is a project I just made."

This work efficiency is high, it can be called amazing speed!
You Haoze took it and flipped through a few pages casually: "Let's put it away for now, I'll give you an answer after reading it."

Before leaving the office, Jin Yan dared to ask: "Mr. You, what do you think of this project?"

"If someone inquires about this and puts pressure on you, just say I'm still thinking about it."

You Haoze's inscrutable appearance really makes people unable to guess his thoughts.

After Jin Yan left, Lin Zitong cast a sideways glance at You Haoze, and helplessly reminded: "Mr. You, can you stop doing this on purpose in front of others?"

"What else?"

This guy is playing stupid on purpose.

It's not that she can't see it, but he deliberately pretended to be intimate in front of others.While it's true in most cases, it's never necessary.

In front of outsiders, it is better to be reserved and restrained.

She bit her lip and stared at him silently.

Being stared at coldly by her, he sighed, helplessly: "I can't help myself, husband and wife should be like glue, who dares to have an opinion?"

With a sullen face, she looked at him with a funny face and raised her eyebrows: "How dare you say it wasn't on purpose?"

The high temperature in the office suddenly dropped.

Lin Zitong's face was stained with vague dullness.

It's over, it's thunder again.

In order to divert her attention, You Haoze found a number from his mobile phone, and after connecting, he handed the phone to her.

"Hey, Hao Ze..."

She had heard this familiar female voice for more than twenty years, and immediately exclaimed happily: "Mom, it's me, Tongtong."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

Lin Zitong glanced down at the note on the phone - mother-in-law, slightly surprised, and then took out her phone.

When she was about to watch it, You Haoze quickly snatched it with his sharp eyes, and was immersed in operating on the phone.

"Tongtong, is Hao Ze by your side? I haven't seen him for a while."

Who is the real one?

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Zitong replied briefly: "He is here."

Lin Yunzhen realized it later, and it took a while to react, and she shouted in surprise: "Tongtong, you are back!"

This is the attitude a mother should have.

Lin Zitong narrowed his eyes slightly, with a warm smile, and a sweet voice: "Well, Mom, I'm back, and I'm at Haoze Company now. If I have time in the evening, I'll visit you, maybe..."

Before he finished speaking, You Haoze snatched the phone back.

This guy, snatching mobile phones is addictive, right?

She is angry and really has no education at all.

"Mom... Tongtong and I will go to your place for dinner later." His voice was warm and sweet, and his tone was soft and full of coquettishness.

Lin Zitong was speechless. How could such a big man act coquettishly with his mother-in-law?

I don't know what the mother on the other end of the phone said, but he responded with a smile: "Mom, don't worry about it. I'll have someone deliver the food and wine directly."

Isn't that superfluous?It's not like this guy doesn't know that the mother-in-law has a nanny at home, so she doesn't have to cook by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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