Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 89 He clearly said he was going to quit smoking, why did he start smoking again?

Chapter 89 He clearly said he was going to quit smoking, why did he start smoking again?

Lin Zitong breathed a sigh of relief, and blinked at him lightly: "If you want to support me in filming, how can they talk too much?"

It's very funny, You Haoze's reputation in her natal family is getting higher and higher, and her words are getting more and more weighty, while her status in her husband's family is getting lower and lower.

"Didn't I just help you hate my mother? As long as it's something you like to do, you can do it, and I support you."


Saying these words, the car on the way back was very quiet.

Hao Ze's face was sullen, as if he had something on his mind, she saw it, but didn't ask further.

After arriving home, Lin Zitong ran directly back to the bedroom to take a shower, while You Haoze went to the study.

After taking a bath, she lay on the couch and waited for him. After lying down for a while, she felt sleepy, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, for some reason, she woke up in a daze.

He vaguely saw a tall and straight figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He was wearing a nightgown, his eyes were as dark as ink, his fingers were flickering, and he looked bleak and lonely in the dimness.

White smoke rose slowly, blurring his side face.

"Hao Ze."

He paused for a moment, then put out the cigarette in his hand, and lay down on the couch.

Her eyes gradually blurred, and she soon sank into a dream again.

While she was still sleeping soundly, she felt someone pat her on the forehead.

Reluctantly opening her eyes, she glanced at those deep black pupils, then closed them again.

"Still asleep?" A chuckle came from above his head: "I didn't do anything to you last night, did I? Why are you still sleepy?"

She opened her eyes again, looked sleepily at the handsome face in front of her, and then took the phone to check the time.

It's eight o'clock.

Didn't he go to work at 07:30?
"Why haven't you left yet?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

You Haoze didn't give her a chance to react, and continued: "Get up, go to the company with me."

With that said, he turned and went to the closet to help her get her clothes.

"I want to meet up with my friends today." Lin Zitong looked at his back and declined without thinking.

"You accompany me to work, and I will accompany you to meet your friends after work. How about it?"

He had already picked out a suit of clothes and placed it next to her.

It's all said for this sake, how could she refuse.

She patted off his hand holding the clothes, and said embarrassedly: "Okay, I can wear it myself."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her in his spare time: "What's there to be shy about, what part of your body have I never seen?"

"If you make trouble again, I won't go with you!"

"Okay, put it on quickly, and I'll wait for you outside."

After washing up, the two had breakfast and went out together.

Sitting in the car, Lin Zitong really wanted to ask You Haoze about last night.He clearly said he was going to quit smoking, why did he start smoking again?

Quite strangely, he would rather stare at the night outside the window smoking a daze than touch her.

The two were lying on the same bed last night, and he didn't hug her or even touch her.

In the past few days, she was in a state of depression, and she couldn't rely on negotiation to have a baby. He said he would work hard, but in fact he didn't do anything.

what happened?

Had he suddenly lost interest in her?
Distraughtly, she glanced out of the car window, watching the endless traffic outside, she always felt that there was something in his heart that was hidden from her.And she couldn't figure out what he was thinking at all.

The car drove a long way before You Haoze opened his mouth. "Honey, what are you thinking?"

"Icy below the navel is called palace cold, cold above the navel is called stomach cold, cold on the waist is called pulse cold, cold on the shoulders is called gallbladder obstruction, cold arms are called lung qi deficiency, cold neck is called bladder/bladder deficiency, and cold backs of the hands are called insufficient qi. , Cold thighs are called deficiency of the spleen and stomach, and cold legs are called deficiency of the intestines and stomach.”

"Then the question is, what's wrong with the cold body?"

 The wife called her husband who was a programmer: "I bought a catty of pears on the way after get off work and brought them back. If you see a watermelon, buy one."

  That night, the programmer husband came into the house with a pear in his hand.

  The wife said angrily: "Why did you just buy a pear?!"

  The husband replied: "Because I saw someone selling watermelons."

(End of this chapter)

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