Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 899 Isn't it true that you divorced Lin Zitong?

Chapter 899 Isn't it true that you divorced Lin Zitong?
Xin Ying turned her face away, lest she would see his worried eyes, and she would not be able to hold back tears of disappointment in front of him.

I knew in my heart that he still cared about her as always.

However, she didn't understand why he refused to believe that the child was his?
Could it be that she didn't even know who the biological father of the child in her belly was?

Alas, he can't be blamed for this, if you want to blame it, you can blame her for not knowing how to cherish it in the past.

How nice he was to her before!
Hehe, she can only rely on the memories of the past to persevere.

After a while, her complexion gradually returned to normal.

"Are you still suffering?"

"much better."

"Since you don't believe the child is yours, why do you still sign it?"

On the maternity file, in the column of the child's father, he personally signed 'You Haoze'.

"No matter whose child you are in, I can temporarily be his father in name. Since your sister wants to protect you, I will follow her wishes."

Hearing this, Xin Ying's heart shattered into pieces in her chest.

Just now, she was naively thinking that he cared about her as always.

She thought that he would always have a little affection for her.

But it wasn't until this moment that she fully realized that he only looked at her more for Lin Zitong's sake.

Because of her sister relationship with Lin Zitong, he treats her a little better.

Back then, the reason why he was with her was also because her face looked a bit like Lin Zitong?
Hehe, she once ridiculously thought that Lin Zitong was just her substitute.

He married Lin Zitong because he couldn't forget her.

As everyone knows, she was wrong, too wrong.

In fact, it was she who had been living under Lin Zitong's shadow.

Xin Ying's eyes were burning with jealousy, and she stared at him angrily: "My sister, do you mean Lin Zitong? You divorced her!"

It's okay not to mention this matter, but when it was mentioned, You Haoze's anger burst out again, and his sympathy and pity for her disappeared.

"You are the one who spread rumors on the Internet that my wife and I are divorcing?!"

"Creating rumors?" Xin Ying asked him back: "Isn't it true that you divorced Lin Zitong?"

You Haoze's face suddenly sank, his sharp eyes gouged her out like a knife.

"Is it really you who are making trouble behind your back?!"

This woman is really lawless, thinking that she is a pregnant woman, so he can't do anything to her?

"Why did you think it was me?" Xin Ying looked into his eyes, full of grievances and accusations, and sneered: "Hehe, you just shield your precious sister like this and blame me for everything? !"

The man's expression became strange, and he asked incredulously, "You mean, Xinyi told you that my wife and I divorced?"

How did Xinyi know about their divorce?

You Haoze's thoughts turned suddenly, remembering that when he went back to the manor that day, You Xinyi said a word in front of him.

[Sister-in-law is arguing for a divorce every day, why don't you let her go. 】

At that time, Xinyi and her parents seemed to know that they were getting a divorce.

What is going on here?

How did Xinyi know that they were getting a divorce?
Why did Xinyi expose their divorce on the Internet?
Just because he opposed her being with Li Xinyou, he became so extreme?

Does Xinyi really like Li Xinyou that much?
How long have they been dating, and she has such deep affection for Li Xinyou?

I only blame myself for being too careless. I should have strongly opposed and stopped her from the very beginning, and forcibly broke her and Li Xinyou apart.

It's really nerve-racking to get into this situation now.

(End of this chapter)

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