Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 91 He grew up, but she stood still.

Chapter 91 He grew up, but she stood still.

Seeing the woman belittling her so much in the video, Lin Zitong just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.

It was perfectly normal to have such thoughts, and she wasn't surprised at all.

And You Haoze's complexion was already covered with a shadow.

"During working hours, what are you guys doing here?"

Everyone was gathering together to discuss in full swing, when suddenly behind him came the mean and sharp voice of the secretary of the president, Jin Yan.

There was a gasp all around.

The expression on Jin Yan's face was very complicated, and she growled in a sullen voice: "Hurry up and go back to your respective posts to do things!"

Everyone in the video, after seeing Jin Yan's gloomy expression, immediately fell silent, touched/touched their noses, and returned to their posts in desperation.

Lin Zitong was slightly taken aback, Jin Yan, who was so strong and cold, was completely different from the cautious Jin Yan in front of You Haoze.

Just when Jin Yan turned her back, Lin Zitong saw a tear rolling in Jin Yan's eye socket.

She subconsciously looked at the video time: 16:26.Wasn't that when Jin Yan came into the office with the documents and saw them sitting on the sofa intimately?This time coincided with the time when Jin Yan withdrew from the office.

Then what Jin Yan's sullenness and tears meant, Lin Zitong knew very well.

To love deeply is to be humble.The deepest affections spring from the humblest acts.

Lin Zitong felt goosebumps all over his body, was it wrong to let a woman who loves traveling so much by his side?

As for what the other employees were talking about, she didn't take it to heart at all. They were just clowns, nothing to worry about.

Seeing his wife's face suddenly changed, You Haoze turned off the video awkwardly.

Maybe it's the difference between men and women, he and Lin Zitong have different concerns.

He has a good image and a high status in the eyes of the employees. Everyone respects him, appreciates him, likes him, and even lusts after him.However, those employees looked down upon his wife with contempt.

No wonder his wife was so resistant to making their relationship public.Come to think of it, she was worried that outsiders would look down on her so much.

He grew up, but she stayed where she was.

It seems that it is urgent to make her popular.Only when she gains both fame and fortune and is affirmed, will she feel at ease in her heart.

He knew that she wanted to be popular with her own strength, but in the entertainment industry, how could it be so easy to be popular?

He has been in the business world for many years, and he has seen all kinds of dark inside stories. No one praises him. It is too difficult for a small star to become popular...

He had this idea a long time ago, if she hadn't insisted on relying on herself, he would have made her popular long ago.

Now that he heard with his own ears that the staff belittled his wife so much behind his back, he couldn't swallow it.

He can punish those employees with small punishments, but he can't interfere with their thoughts.

Thinking of the cold eyes that those employees looked at his wife from behind in the morning, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

At this moment, he made a decision that making his wife popular is the top priority.

His good wife deserves to be treated like a star, and deserves the attention of all.

This video was edited by Jin Yan for You Haoze, he knew the content of the video before watching the video, he generously let his wife watch the video, and did not deliberately hide it.

At this moment, his wife watched the video with a dull expression on her face, and he couldn't help comforting her softly.

"Honey, don't be angry. These employees are full, they don't work hard, gossip about other people's family affairs, and see how I deal with them."

(End of this chapter)

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