Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 925 The Large-Scale Man Set Collapses

Chapter 925 The Large-Scale Man Set Collapses
"I admit it." After a pause, Lin Zitong stopped beating around the bush: "I miss him, but what's the use of thinking about him? I've already divorced him."

"Divorce?!" Rong Jing couldn't help but tapped her forehead with her fingers, her expression was not relaxed: "You can just talk about it, why are you really divorced?! You are messing around, and President You is also messing around with you." ?"

Her eyes were calm, and her voice was calm and calm: "It's really divorced. The news on the Internet is true. It's the divorce on Teacher's Day."

"Aren't you out of your mind? You keep trying to persuade you to leave, if you don't listen to the advice, you have to leave!" Rong Jing sighed, a little resentful: "Oh, you will regret it in the future!"

"Quiet, this doesn't sound like something you would say."

Lin Zitong glanced at her sideways, with anger in his eyes: "I remember that you kept persuading me to divorce, you kept calling him a scumbag, and you said that you would introduce me to someone after I got divorced. I think I remember correctly Bar?"

Rong Jing listened silently and let her sing a one-man show alone.

Lin Zitong chattered on and on, repeating Rong Jing's slanderous words about You Haoze behind his back.

【Zitong, it is undeniable that he is a very responsible man, and it is absolutely impossible for him not to have children.Xin Ying is his first love and has his child again. How can you bear this situation?You should still get a divorce. 】

[Does this still need to be considered?Divorce quickly, Mr. You is too shrewd, he is a big bad wolf, you are a little white rabbit, you two are not suitable at all.You leave him, and I will find you a suitable one. 】

【Do you know how to sigh?Co-author, he has cheated, cheated, and even has a child, so you are still reluctant to leave? 】

[Lin Zitong, can you have some backbone?He has treated you like this, and you are still facing him?If such a cheating scumbag is not kicked, what else is there to do?Get away from him now.I think Zhong Shaoqing is quite suitable for you, you two are a perfect match. 】

【Zi Tong, you have to plan for yourself, such as cars, houses and property...】

[Beautiful Lin, you can do it, are you really on good terms with the actor?In order to get revenge on the scumbag, you have worked hard enough! 】

【How do I see You Haoze wearing a green hat very happily? 】

【You were moved by him?Are you going to have a good time with him? 】

[Well, to be honest, he has behaved like a man in the past two days.When such a thing happened, not only did he not add insult to injury, he also wholeheartedly defended you, even I was moved by him.You can tell he really cares about you.But so what?Can you forget the fact that he betrayed you?Do you not mind if he and Xin Ying have a child? 】

[Can men be trusted?You can take care of yourself, he said that one time is one time, they even have children!Lin Zitong, I think you are really eaten to death by him, and you will never turn over in this life. 】

Rong Jing didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but Lin Zitong's words made her cheeks burn.

This kind of preface and postscript is too ridiculous.

It feels so embarrassing to be slapped in the face by a good girlfriend!
The visual sense of the scene of the collapse of large-scale human settings!

For a long time, Rong Jing's role was to support Lin Zitong's divorce, condemn and hate You Haoze's image of a heartless man.

At this time, Rong Jing transformed herself and subverted her previous image. It was no wonder that Lin Zitong wanted to run on her.

Lin Zitong scolded her, then suddenly thought of something, and asked sharply, "Jing Jing, why did you suddenly appear here?"

(End of this chapter)

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