Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 93 This guy is really an out-and-out businessman, can a piece of paper be exchanged?

Chapter 93 This guy is really an out-and-out businessman, can a piece of paper be exchanged?

Such probing eyes made Lin Zitong feel uncomfortable.

"Well, what else is there?" You Haoze's voice was calm, without any emotion.

"No...it's okay. Mr. You, then I'll go and arrange the meeting first."

"Well, let's go."

Jin Yan walked to the door with the pile of documents in her arms, then turned around suddenly, and glanced at the two of them inexplicably.

It seemed that he really wanted to say something, and he held back abruptly.

You Haoze's attention was always on writing on the piece of paper, but Lin Zitong saw Jin Yan's abnormality in his eyes.

She guessed that Jin Yan probably wanted to ask about the video, but she didn't dare to ask because of her presence?

When she turned around to see what You Haoze was writing, he had already finished writing, folded the piece of paper, and put it in his suit pocket.

"Honey, accompany me to the meeting." He stood up, took her hand, and walked out.

Lin Zitong broke free from his hand, and said in a sour tone, "Isn't it enough to have a beautiful and capable female secretary to accompany you?"

Hearing this, You Haoze laughed like a fool, like mocking, but also like teasing, what he said almost choked to death.

"How can a secretary do it? What's the use of a beautiful secretary, and she can't kiss or hug her!"

She gave him a hard look.

He raised his lips and smiled, staring at her without blinking: "How can a secretary have a wife? If you are really worried, then come and be my secretary."

The word "well" at the end was deliberately elongated by him, with a hint of coquettishness, which made her heart recover, and the sourness was suppressed by his words.

She pushed him: "you go to the meeting, I'll wait for you here."

She is not an employee of the company, why would she join in the fun when they have a meeting.

"Honey, you accompany me to a meeting, and I'll show you something. How about it?"

"What?" As soon as this question was asked, Lin Zitong knew it was over, and fell into his trap again.

"What I just wrote."

This guy is really an out-and-out businessman, can a piece of paper be exchanged for conditions?

Who made her curiosity aroused, she agreed without thinking much.

"Let's go."

On the way Lin Zitong accompanied You Haoze to the conference room, the two held hands and received many strange looks.

Perhaps, You Haoze is so dazzling now that she stands beside him, giving people the illusion that she hooked up with him.

Originally, she was afraid that outsiders would look at her like this, so she kept refusing to disclose their relationship.

Of course, the more important thing is that she is afraid that You Haoze will give up in chaos.

In this relationship and marriage, she is very insecure.

If he is a tree, she will never be a vine that is entwined and attached to the tree.

The tree grows taller, spring and summer have passed, autumn and winter are approaching, the vines attached to the tree have to wither, lose their green color, and fall under the roots.

After that, you have to bear the pressure of public opinion no less than the matter itself.

She has always insisted on being herself and never giving up what belongs to her that supports her survival.

But at this moment, being in it, she found that those gazes were actually not that unbearable.

After she tacitly agreed to disclose the relationship between the two, they have been inseparable from yesterday to now. Rather than saying that he is clinging to her, it is better to say that she likes staying with him more and more.

However, she didn't want to pay attention to those gazes, but still felt uncomfortable.You Haoze also noticed that instead of letting go of her hand, he pulled it even tighter.

When the two arrived at the conference room, it was already full of people.

(End of this chapter)

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