Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 947 If you can't handle it, I'll help you clean her up.

Chapter 947 If you can't handle it, I'll help you clean her up.

If You Haoze doesn't approve, then the food will be suspended.

Anyway, she had to find a reason to convince him.

After thinking about it in her mind, she decided to tell the truth: "I don't know why I offended Fan Youxian. At the main creative meeting just now, she kept biting me, mocking me for my poor acting skills, saying that I depend on men. of."

"Maybe because of Huang Wei's relationship, she is Huang Wei's mother."

Unexpectedly, this time, You Haoze reversed his aloof attitude just now, and rarely said a few words.

He briefly mentioned something related to Huang Wei.

It was he who took action against Huang Wei, so Fan Youxian took his anger out on her.

After listening to You Haoze's explanation, she climbed up the pole: "Mr. You, you said that I will be filming with Fan Youxian in the future, will she make things difficult for me?"

"Are you afraid of what she will do? You are the heroine, she is just a female supporting role, can she still ride on your head in the film crew to do her best?
Besides, I think she is right in saying that you can rely on men.With me, the biggest investor, backing you up, if she disses you again next time, you will fight back directly.

Don't be afraid of her, if you can't handle it, I'll help you clean her up.do you know? "

Why do these words sound so instigated, she and Fan Youxian mean to be against each other?
That's the gold medal actress, won't she be at a disadvantage if she fights against Fan Youxian?

Are you sure this guy isn't cheating on her?

Lin Zitong was persuasive, and kindly reminded him: "Fan Youxian is the wife of the president of the Huang Group. If you offend her, won't it affect your business?"

The Huang Group, the leading family business in Zhouchuan City, is involved in diamonds, leather goods, clothing and other industries, with strong financial resources.

Moreover, You Haoze and Huang Zixuan jointly run the Capital of Songs.

If you really tear your face apart, it's not good for each other.

"What's so great about the wife of the president of Huang's Group?"

You Haoze's tone was playful, and he joked: "Then you are not only the eldest lady of the Xin Group, but also the wife of the president of the You Group. The big deal is that if you don't do business, you won't starve to death anyway. What are you doing so leisurely? "

Look, this guy didn't pretend to be cold in front of her for long, and he talked a lot after a while.

What a lot of information he said!

She's not the eldest lady of Xin's Group, at best she's just an illegitimate child, and besides, she has no intention of recognizing that scumbag father.

When it comes to the wife of the CEO of You Group, it's just a superficial beauty.

The truth is, they're divorced.

"Mr. You, stop teasing me, let me tell you that you are serious."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." You Haoze's tone became formulaic and serious: "Filming belongs to filming, and the crew's business has nothing to do with the company's business. You just need to act well, don't worry about this and that. Everything is still up to you. and me."

She was a little helpless, did he not understand the point of what she said?

It's impossible not to hear it, this guy is just pretending to be confused with his understanding!
"What about Jin Yan? She and Fan Youxian partnered to run on me!"

"Jin Yan is a newcomer in the entertainment industry now, are you still not sure about her?"

The more You Haoze heard it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Why does he feel that his wife's behavior has a sense of déjà vu that a student sued his parents?

"Lin Zitong, you've come full circle, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

With a slight smile, she said flatteringly: "Before you said that if I don't make this show, you will pay the liquidated damages for me. Does it still count now?"

(End of this chapter)

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