Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 956 Ren Shan was bullied by others, and Ma Shan was ridden by others!

Chapter 956 Ren Shan was bullied by others, and Ma Shan was ridden by others!
Hearing the assistant director's words, Lin Zitong recovered from his contemplation, and muttered in a low voice: "Assistant director, you don't have to speak for me, that's just how I am."

Although the voice of saying this was not loud, Fan Youxian still heard it clearly, and snorted coldly, counting her understanding.

In the end, Lin Zitong came up with two more words, which were still aimed at Fan Youxian.

"I heard that older women have short sleep and are prone to insomnia, I don't know if it is true?
Aunt Fan, you should have a deep understanding of this, right? "

Not only called Aunt Fan, but also pointed out that she is an elderly woman!

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

Fan Youxian's expression darkened instantly, he never thought that Lin Zitong would be so sharp-tongued and defiant, he didn't take her seriously at all.

Let her not get off the stage in public.

Who said that this Lin Zitong was just a beautiful vase, and she clearly had a sharp mouth.

Lin Zitong was already in a bad mood, and was even more annoyed by Fan Youxian's taunts, so he turned back on the spot.

That time, when she jumped from the window of the seven-star hotel, she said that she would live for herself from now on.

【Hao Ze, I have always thought too much, always thinking about others, and living a very tiring and hard life.From now on, I will live for myself. 】

Looking forward and backward, how tiring to live!
Not bullying is a kind of upbringing, not being bullied is a kind of aura.

Human beings are bullied by others, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others!
If others make her unhappy, she will not make others feel too good.

Besides, You Haoze had spoken, telling her to fight back without being afraid of anyone.

To hit a snake, you need to hit seven inches, and grab the opponent's sore spot.

For a successful lady like Fan Youxian who has everything going well, she should be most concerned about her age.

Aunt Fan, on the surface she is respectful and polite, but in fact she is secretly ridiculed.

Fan Youxian's face changed slightly, he was angry but he couldn't help Lin Zitong, after all, Lin Zitong was right, and when he spoke, he was smiling and gentle.

She couldn't find the right words to refute for a moment, and after a while, she sneered and opened her mouth.

"Lin Zitong, who doesn't know that your husband You Haoze is the biggest investor in this show?
If everyone arrives late and leaves early like you, and takes time off work, when will this show be finished? ! "

Jin Yan, who was watching the show from the sidelines, had a very strange expression when she heard the words 'your husband You Haoze' from Fan Youxian's mouth.

The smile on that face disappeared in an instant.

Lin Zitong's face became hot when Fan Youxian said it, and he was a little embarrassed.

I really want to reply with a smile, haha, there are many things you don't know, You Haoze is no longer my husband.

However, what she said was: "Since you know all about it, why don't you be more polite to me?"

Fan Youxian choked, "You..."

She comforted herself that she was neither a shrew nor a scoundrel, and she really wasn't very good at quarreling.

Forget it, letting her fight with a woman in her early twenties in public would really damage her image.

Swallow it for now.

Hehe, when filming next time, she will definitely repay Lin Zitong twice.

The staff next to them, seeing Lin Zitong and Fan Youxian tearing each other up, felt thunder rolling.

Is this still the kind and cheerful goddess Lin Zitong in their impression?

Why have you become so aggressive all of a sudden?
What stimulated you?
Director Kong didn't let Fan Youxian and Lin Zitong continue tearing it down, and called out 'action'.

Both Fan Youxian and Lin Zitong walked towards the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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