Hidden marriage and cute wife come to the official announcement

Chapter 961 The job of manager Huang Wei has been ruined.

Chapter 961 The job of manager Huang Wei has been ruined.

A good partner can bring the other party into a good atmosphere, and cooperate with the other party's rhythm to achieve a win-win situation for both parties.

If the partner is an unprofessional big name, it will be really bad luck.

Because, most people will think that the big names are right, and it is you who are wrong, because you did not act well and did not invest.

How could the big names fail?

The more thoughtful they are, the more pressure the actors will have, and the worse they will perform.

Such a vicious circle!
Lin Zitong also knew in his heart that Fan Youxian would suppress her in the show, but he didn't know that he suppressed her so hard!

Fan Youxian's feeling of oppression, not to mention ordinary actors, even her experienced, was taken astray.

Can't make it to the show.

At the beginning, Lin Zitong felt that his acting was okay, at least people couldn't fault it.

This kind of on-the-spot performance is already very good.

The reason why I couldn't play later was because of the interference of the recording pen.

She is distracted.

"Shaoqing, if I say I'm not nervous, would you believe me?"

It's not the first day I came out to film, I'm an old man, so what's there to be nervous about?

In the face of Fan Youxian, a big name, she is really right.

If she was afraid of Fan Youxian, she wouldn't dare to hate her. In fact, she hated Fan Youxian so much that she had nothing to say.

That's why Fan Youxian took revenge on her crazily in the play!

"I believe, but, how did you..."

Lin Zitong understood Zhong Shaoqing's doubts, he had probably watched the scene between her and Fan Youxian.

She smiled bitterly, mocking herself: "I just don't understand, Fan You Xiandu Naga, why did you do that to me?"


Zhong Shaoqing lowered her eyelashes, concealed the emotion in her eyes, and said calmly: "It may be related to Huang Wei, Sister Fan is her mother."

Lin Zitong once asked You Haoze this question, and what Zhong Shaoqing said was the same as what he said.

However, You Haoze only said a few words on the phone, not as detailed as what Zhong Shaoqing said.

Next, Zhong Shaoqing talked about Huang Wei's deeds with Lin Zitong incessantly.

Some time ago, someone exposed a bunch of photos of Huang Weihun in the nightclub on the Internet, causing chaos.

Accompanying wine, laughing and dancing, referred to as three accompanying photos.

Even if Huang Weigui is the daughter of Huang's Group, so what, he has to accompany him if he should!

If you want to be in the entertainment industry, you need the support of your contacts, and entertainment is inevitable, just like other business circles.

Being plundered is inevitable.

In front of rich businessmen, Huang Wei looks like a man of the world, letting everyone kiss him, being loved by others, Mo.

In those photos, Huang Wei was so drunk that his eyes were blurred, he couldn't walk steadily, and was hugged by a man after drinking, as if he was enjoying himself.

As soon as the escort photos were exposed, Huang Wei's character set collapsed, and he seemed extremely despicable when he was eaten tofu by a man with a fat stomach.

Those netizens were shocked and subverted their cognition.

Never expected that Huang Wei, who looks so pure on the surface, has such an unbearable side.

Then, Tianbao Entertainment fired Huang Wei and stopped her from being a manager.

Not only that, no other entertainment companies are willing to hire Huang Wei as a manager.

In the entertainment industry, reputation is a big problem. If you don't care about it a little bit, it will be difficult to mix in if your reputation is bad.

In other words, Huang Wei's manager's job has been ruined.

For Huang Wei, this is not the worst, and it's okay not to be a manager.

The identity of the daughter of the Huang Group's daughter is enough for Huang Wei to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

The Huang family has a big business, so could it be that they can't afford to support Huang Wei as an idler?
Besides, Huang Wei can't be a broker, so he can change careers to engage in other industries.

(End of this chapter)

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