Chapter 977 When will this cold war end?

How could she still go shopping hand in hand with You Haoze?

For so many days, You Haoze has been unshakable every day except for the chicken soup. He has never called or sent her a text message.

I never came to the set to see her.

It felt like the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so long that she almost forgot what You Haoze looked like.

I really miss him a little bit.

The two were in a cold war, waiting for the other to bow first.

When will this cold war end?

Anyway, he was the one who wanted to fight coldly, so she shouldn't bow her head first!

Strange to say, since Fan Youxian's role was suppressed that day, the two quarreled a few times, and Fan Youxian and Jin Yan were very peaceful for a few days.

Nothing happened between the two of them.

Lin Zitong also had a few days of comfortable life, until Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun moved into the crew.

Calculated, Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun have been in the film crew for a few days, and they are in pairs every day in the film crew.

The two are not only tired of being together when they are acting, but they also talk and laugh happily during filming breaks. They even eat box lunches twice a day together.

Except for Lin Zitong, everyone thought Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun were lovers.

Coincidentally, the characters played by Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun, Li Shuang and Shen Mei, are also a pair of lovers in the play.

In the film crew, several female artists who were infatuated with Li Xinyou were lost for a while because of this.

Lin Zitong knew some inside information. Now, she doesn't believe that Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun are really a couple.

Not long ago, she saw Li Xinyou and You Xinyi eating at the same restaurant.

If Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun were a real couple, then the speed at which he changed women was too fast.

Of course, if Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun are really a couple, she is blessed.

So what's bothering her?

What annoys her is that Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun are clearly trying to show their affection in front of her, and intentionally sprinkle dog food in front of her.

Still kind of careless.

This kind of behavior is really annoying, isn't it?
When the two of them eat lunch together, Li Xinyou wants to pick up vegetables for Jiang Caiyun, so let's pick up vegetables.

Lin Zitong was speechless, Li Xinyou kept looking towards her, what's going on?

Well, let's take a sneak peek, she pretends she didn't see it.

However, it was fine for Li Xinyou to take a peek at her, the food that was meant to be served to Jiang Caiyun did not fall into her lunch box, but fell to the ground.

What's the matter?

That kind of scene is embarrassing, okay?

It's not professional at all to show affection, the two are still actors.

Lin Zitong obviously didn't want to pay attention to the two of them, but she could tell that they were acting with just a casual glance.

Is acting really that bad?
This is very speechless, and it is too careless to spread dog food.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Lin Zitong really didn't deliberately pay attention to the words and deeds of Li Xinyou and Jiang Caiyun.

Li Xinyou's eyes were too hot to look at her, the kind that people couldn't ignore.

Anyway, Lin Zitong felt uncomfortable every time he watched him.

She was worried that at that moment, Li Xinyou would suddenly stop eating lunch with Jiang Caiyun, and suddenly ran over to sit with her.

So what should she do?
So, every time he ate box lunch, Lin Zitong tactfully ate it with Zhong Shaoqing.

This avoids Li Xinyou's harassment, regardless of whether You Haoze is happy or not.

You Haoze didn't pay any attention to her anymore, so why would she bother herself and worry about his feelings foolishly?

It's just that she feels a little sorry for using Zhong Shaoqing as a shield.

But it seemed that Zhong Shaoqing didn't mind being used. Instead, he would happily accompany her to eat lunch every time, and even put some vegetables in his lunch box for her to eat.

Zhong Shaoqing was obviously taken advantage of, and it felt like he was getting a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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