Chapter 982 Are You Stupid?
Jiang Caiyun blinked and asked, "Zitong, is the chicken soup delicious?"

Hearing Jiang Caiyun's question, Lin Zitong almost spit out a mouthful of chicken soup.

Jiang Caiyun, does this mean you want to drink?
Just 2 minutes ago, she was thinking that Jiang Caiyun would compete with her for delicious food.

Unexpectedly, there are people who want to rush to drink this chicken soup that sells the same and worse taste.

Lin Zitong suspected that Jiang Caiyun was playing dumb!
At that moment, a special idea popped up, she wanted to try to see if this woman was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

If someone wants to drink, then give it to her.

Hehe, she is very magnanimous, good things must be shared.

If Li Xinyou and Zhong Shaoqing want to drink, she can also share some for them.

She doesn't encourage others to drink, but she can't hold others to drink voluntarily, can she?

Thinking of how she looked when she drank the soup for the first time, the huge psychological gap made her almost spit out the soup.

Tsk tsk, she was looking forward to seeing Jiang Caiyun's reaction after drinking it!
If Jiang Caiyun was really as childish as she showed, then she would probably spit it out on the spot.

If you spit it out in front of Zhong Shaoqing and Li Xinyou, it would be too disrespectful.

Lin Zitong filled another food box with soup and handed it to Jiang Caiyun: "You have to try it to know whether it is good or not. I think it is quite delicious."

When she was lying, her heart beat a little faster, it was so unkind!

Li Xinyou suddenly said: "It's medicine, don't drink it casually."

He glared at Jiang Caiyun as he spoke, his eyes seemed to say, are you stupid?

are you crazy?
Medicine can also be drunk casually?

Of course, no one could understand his thoughts, he didn't really want to say that to Jiang Caiyun.

Now, Lin Zitong was not happy: "Young Master Li, what does this mean? I drink chicken soup every day. If she hadn't asked, I wouldn't want to give it to her."

Li Xinyou rolled his eyes, a little speechless.

Jiang Caiyun nodded, with an excited look on her face: "Yeah, Zitong is the best, I just want to drink it."

The sense of sight of five or six-year-old children!
"Let's drink together."

For some reason, Lin Zitong felt like he was tricking a child?
Jiang Caiyun happily took the food box, lowered her head, took a sip, and took a sudden breath.

Uh, I almost couldn't hold back the spurt.


This thing has nothing to do with being delicious, okay?
Reluctantly swallowing the chicken soup in her mouth, Jiang Caiyun felt nauseous, but she resisted it.

"What is this?"

Lin Zitong was overjoyed, and smiled lightly: "Did I tell you just now, this is chicken soup. Why, it's not good?"

Li Xinyou glanced at Lin Zitong, and a hint of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.

When did this woman become dark-bellied?

Probably because those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. After being with You Haoze for a long time, they learned a little about him?

It's worth it if this goes on!
Jiang Caiyun raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled on the surface: "It's okay."

Lin Zitong smiled subtly: "Then drink it, don't waste such a delicious soup."

Just now, Jiang Caiyun took a lot of effort to swallow a mouthful of chicken soup.

Where is it good to drink?
What a deceit!
What kind of chicken soup is this? It's medicine!
When she was sick, the medicine she took was not so bitter, okay?

Blame her for refusing to listen to Li Xinyou's advice just now.

But, in front of the few of them, she couldn't lose the chain.

Lin Zitong said it was delicious, but she said it was not good. Didn't that mean she was deliberately contradicting Lin Zitong?

She knew how much these two men defended Lin Zitong.

Besides, she was the one who wanted to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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