Chapter 992 What is in the insulation box?
With the unfolding of the ancient costume drama "The Young Master with a Fan", Li Shourong and Chu Aofei recognize each other. As Yanxiang's mistress, Li Shourong gets along very well with Yanxiang.

The two are like mother and daughter.

Fan Youxian, the actor who plays Li Sorrow, is an experienced veteran actor. As a professional actor with deep qualifications, he must have professional qualities.

In the play, she is required to love Yanxiang played by Lin Zitong like a loving mother.

Although Li Shourong hated Lin Zitong, when filming, she still acted according to the characters in the play, treating Lin Zitong kindly and caringly.

She looked at Lin Zitong with warmth like a spring breeze in March.

In just a few days, any pressure, clean-up, and revenge were all forgotten.

The relationship between people is so mysterious.

Lin Zitong felt that Fan Youxian's attitude towards her had improved a lot, even after the show, Fan Youxian did not make things difficult for her.

what happened?

This is too strange, right?
Even Jin Yan couldn't understand the way of doing this.

To tell the truth, Jin Yan was very upset, obviously, Fan Youxian dragged her into the film crew in the first place, just to offend Lin Zitong.

This scene has only been filmed for a while, and Fan Youxian's hostility towards Lin Zitong has disappeared?

Fan Youxian agreed to deal with Lin Zitong?
Lin Zitong told Fan Youxian, can you give me more advice in the future?
Jin Yan barely suppressed the fluctuations in her heart, and asked in a tone of asking for advice: "Sister Fan, when you played the role of Li Sorrow, how did you manage to change your love for cigarettes from hatred to joy?"

'Did you forget how she prevented you from coming to the stage before? '

She only dared to slander this sentence in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out.

In this case, it's better to think about it in your heart. If you say it, maybe she will annoy Fan Youxian.

She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"When Lin Zitong and I acted together, I treated her as my missing daughter, and I was able to perform that feeling naturally."

"Oh, that's how it is." Jin Yan said lightly, and secretly clenched her fists under Fan Youxian's nose.

At noon, when it was time for lunch, Quan Lei brought over another box of lunch, and still brought the thermos box over.

He opened the lunch box carefully and considerately, and the aroma of the food wafted into his nostrils. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Xiaoyan, I brought your favorite steak today, and I went to buy it from that restaurant in Xidan."

Jin Yan, who is in a bad mood, has no interest in eating at all.

Not to mention steak, even dragon meat can't attract her.

She didn't even look at the steak, her gloomy eyes fell on the thermos box.

At this moment, the more she looked at the insulation box, the more it became an eyesore!

With a long face, she asked angrily: "Quan Lei, what's in the insulation box?"

As long as he was free, Quan Lei would send boxed lunches to the crew every now and then. Jin Yan refused at first, but the refusal had no effect at all.

For example, she told him today not to send it away tomorrow.

Tomorrow, he will still deliver it.

She said it a few times, but he still happily brought boxed lunches to the crew.

Jin Yan was very helpless, and later let him go, anyway, he voluntarily gave it away.

Having said that, the food that Quan Lei brought was far more delicious than the crew.

Besides, there is no rule in the crew that they cannot take out boxed lunches.

Every time Quan Lei delivered a lunch box, he also brought an insulated box along the way. Jin Yan didn't bother to care about such trivial matters, and was too busy to recite lines and practice acting every day.

But today, she was restless and wanted to see what was in the insulation box on a whim.

"I don't know, Mr. You asked me to bring it to Lin Zitong."

(End of this chapter)

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