Chapter 998 That medicine is too bitter.

She teamed up with Fan Youxian, and she couldn't beat Lin Zitong.

Obviously it was Lin Zitong who bullied them.

In the film crew, they were aggrieved, and they were all overwhelmed by Lin Zitong.

After a pause, he was too lazy to go around in circles with her: "Buying the doctor, cheating my wife, and scaring her into infertility, I haven't settled with you yet. If you want to die, I can do it for you."

Jin Yan broke out in cold sweat drop by drop, profusely.

Sure enough, it was because of the spilled soup!

It must be the woman Lin Zitong who sued behind her back!
Just now, she asked Lin Zitong to apologize sincerely, thinking that Lin Zitong had forgiven her without saying anything.

In the end, it's here waiting for her.

However, how did You Haoze know about such a cryptic matter?
Even Lin Zitong, the person involved, was covered up. Where did he know about it?
Why is this man planning everything?

In this world, there seems to be nothing that can hide from his keen perception!

Now that she was exposed, Jin Yan didn't intend to cover it up any longer, and said boldly, "Mr. You, I'm not the only one who did this. Your sister You Xinyi is also an accomplice."

"It's not up to you, an outsider, to intervene in the matter of my home visit! My tolerance has a limit, so don't challenge my bottom line."

Two days later, Lin Zitong's relatives came to visit her as expected.

For women who experience pain and menstruation, every month is like a 'crossing catastrophe'.

Every time my aunt comes, I feel hollowed out.

However, this time, she didn't have any symptoms of discomfort, not to mention dysmenorrhea, and she didn't even have PMS.

If it wasn't for when she went to the bathroom, she found that her insides were stained red, she wouldn't have felt it yet.

The whole life is lively, as usual, she went to filming as usual.

In the past, when the pain was severe, she would take a day off.

After arriving at the set, Lin Zitong remembered to call You Haoze.

"Mr. You, my aunt is here this morning."


"I used to suffer from dysmenorrhea, but this time I don't feel anything at all! It should be the effect of drinking the chicken soup, Mr. You, thank you."

Maybe it was because she was too happy. When she said these words, her eyebrows were beaming, without the slightest twitching.

"Thank me, I should be the one thanking you." You Haoze was infected by her cheerful mood, and his mood improved for no reason: "Thank you for your hard work, the medicine is too bitter."

Lin Zitong felt strange, why should he thank her?
Listening to the latter sentence again, it was a bit sensational, and she was inexplicably touched.

"You, how do you know?"

His voice was hoarse: "I tasted it, it was really bitter, I thought you wouldn't drink it."

The voice was so provocative it was almost unbearable.

"Once you get used to drinking it, you won't feel bitter."

She unconsciously lowered her voice: "Mr. You, I miss you."

The man's deep voice seemed to have a cheerful smile: "When I'm free, I'll go to the set to see you. Be good and don't think about it."

She took one small step, he took several giant steps.

What's going on with the inexplicable excitement? !
Is this a reconciliation?

Since he said he wanted to see her, then she should also show some sincerity.

"Mr. You, your birthday is coming, what gift do you want? I'm going to buy you a watch, is that okay?"

"Who is like you, giving birthday presents in advance?"

You Haoze was speechless: "Once you say it, there will be no surprises."

Then there is no one like you. If you have a gift, you should laugh at it, and you will hate it!

(End of this chapter)

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