Douluo's opening as the son of the sea god

Chapter 18 The Man Destined to Be a Leader

Chapter 18 The Man Destined to Be a Leader
"The Holy Son has a long way to go..."

Bo Saibei returned to Sea God Island to rest for a whole day, and then set off again.

Looking at the figure of Bo Saibei traveling far away, Bo Saixi said indifferently.

"But no matter what, we should trust him."

"After all, he is a child personally selected by Lord Seagod, there is no such case in a hundred years."

Bo Saixi narrowed his eyes, as if he was talking to himself, or talking to a starfish.

There was a silence after that.


Poseidon felt a little queasy.

He had only sailed at sea long before.

How long have you been resting?

Then we have to embark on a journey again!
Beside him is the handsome and suave Sea Soul Douluo.

Hai Huan has blond hair, and his appearance is as delicate as a sculpture.

He seems to have only one arm, but from what Elder Bo Saixi said to other Guardian Douluo uncles, it can be deduced that this is actually a drawback of Sea Illusion Douluo's martial soul cultivation.

It may be that the martial spirit mutated, causing people around him to feel confused, and people approaching him would feel as if they were in an illusion.

And that 'broken arm' is actually an illusion brought about by the disadvantages of Wuhun.

If the realm is high enough, it can be found.

Bo Saibei secretly opened the Purple Demon Eyes, and his eyes became brighter, as if he could see through all illusions.

Sure enough, the other hand was safely there under Hai Huan's flowing robe, but soon, Hai Huan Douluo's spontaneous illusion swept over...

His arm made Poseidon look like he had returned to a broken arm.

Illusion is really amazing.

But it reminded Poseibei of something similar to illusion...magic.

In his previous life, Poseidon liked to watch Brother Qian's magic performances, especially some exaggerated operations, which really made people doubt whether Hogwarts really existed on earth.

But seeing Sea Illusion Douluo's illusion, Bo Saibei knew that everything was possible.

Who knows, what if Brother Qian is a time traveler like him.

It's just that I am a low-dimensional wearer who wears a high-dimensional, and gains more powerful power.

And Brother Qian is high-dimensional through low-dimensional, carrying out dimensionality reduction strikes.

Then playing some artificial tricks to amuse others, isn't it also quite fun?
"His Royal Highness?"

Sea Illusion Douluo noticed that Bo Saixi was staring at his hidden arm in a daze, so he called softly.


Poseibei said: "Uncle Haihuan, is Poseidon Academy the best academy in the sea?"

A rare smile appeared on Sea Illusion Douluo Leng Jun's face:
"Of course, Poseidon Academy is the sacred place for all sea spirit masters to practice."

"Moreover, most of the residents on our Sea God Island are from the Sea God Academy."

"Is that so..."

Poseidon nodded.

In other words, Sea God Island is equivalent to the capital of the known sea area of ​​Douluo Continent, and Sea God Academy is the concept of the number one University of Political Science and Law recognized in the capital.

"Your Highness, the Son of God, does not have any privileges when he goes to Sea God Academy."

"His Royal Highness, you need to live with those soul master children, work hard to grow together, and carry out the most arduous training. There is absolutely no shortcut."

Sea Illusion Douluo smiled and said:
"Of course, due to your special status, His Royal Highness, we will arrange the best teachers to teach you... However, it is not a normal course, but an extra class."

"This means, Your Royal Highness, you will work harder than others."

"Even if you stand at a higher starting point than others, you must work harder, so that you can become an excellent leader!"

Because, you are destined to be the man who will become the leader of the sea!

Poseidon murmured.


In fact... I want to be a fast lone wolf who can attack, suffer and run.

"Yes, leader."

Sea Illusion Douluo said indifferently: "In the ancient times, it was precisely because of not only outstanding personal strength, but also unique leadership qualities that Lord Seagod successfully created the Seagod God to benefit the entire sea area."

"So, when training Seagod's successors, we must of course train according to this standard."

"So, after His Highness the Holy Son goes to Sea God Academy, he must get along with his classmates and play a leading role."

Sea Illusion Douluo seemed to have opened up the chatterbox for decades, and it was rare to talk so much.

Perhaps, it was only because of Poseidon's particularity that he was willing to spend so much time teaching him.

However, Sea Illusion Douluo worried that Bo Saibei would not really listen to him.

After all, no matter how precocious His Highness Shengzi is, he is only six years old.

When he was six years old, he was still making soy sauce!

"Is that so..."

Poseidon seems to be serious.

But not only a big question popped up in his mind.

Why didn't Tang San have so many skills when he inherited the Seagod's position, and it's over after passing the Seagod's Nine Tests?
Thinking about it carefully, in fact Tang San did have some charisma, no matter how bad it was, it was also the core of the Shrek Seven Devils.

The conditions are excellent in all aspects, and most importantly, he is still the son of the plane.

Nature is the perfect heir.

Now it's my turn...


Neither the Seventh Son of the Sea God nor Bo Saixi had passed the Nine Trials of the Sea God, so he hoped that Bo Saibei would be strict with himself.

So that in the future when the Nine Trials of the Sea God will be conducted, it will be easy and unrestrained.

Sea Illusion Douluo narrowed his eyes again and said indifferently: "Of course, you are still young, Your Royal Highness, and you may not be able to understand these things. With your rich experience, you will understand sooner or later."

whispering sound.

These words instantly broke Poseidon's fragile heart.

Originally, I was told by Sea Illusion Douluo that I wanted to struggle, but I felt a little warm.

However, in the end, he still regarded himself as a naive child.

Although I have a lovely face and a pair of bright and innocent eyes.

But if you think I'm really that innocent, you're so naive!
"Ahem, actually I can understand, after all, how do you say that sentence?"

Bo Saibei coughed twice, put his hands behind his back, looked at the waves on the sea, and suddenly the words came from the sky:
"The road is a long way to go, I will go up and down to find out!"

"A long way to go!"

After all, the more beautiful a person is, the heavier the responsibility they bear.

This point, Poseidon has a deep understanding.

"Uh...what do you mean?"

Although this classical Chinese is not difficult, it is completely incomprehensible to Sea Illusion Douluo who has never learned it.

Besides, in the early days of Douluo World, it seems that they didn't pay much attention to the quality education of the people?
Bo Saibei smiled triumphantly, jumped up and patted Sea Illusion Douluo on the shoulder:

"Uncle Hai Huan, you still have some deficiencies. Don't just focus on and seek breakthroughs in your cultivation. You should also pay attention to spiritual cultivation. This may be beneficial to you."


Sea Illusion Douluo was momentarily confused.

this this this?
This hooked the shoulders and patted the back.

What about the whole brother?

It doesn't matter whether it's seniority or status, it's not appropriate.

How does His Royal Highness Son look like an inscrutable master?

However, after careful evaluation, His Royal Highness Son's words seem to have a different taste.

"Spiritual training..."

Sea Illusion Douluo murmured:
"It's interesting, it seems that I have to go back and watch "Sea King's Travels" more!"

(End of this chapter)

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