Chapter 22 Core Class ([-])
"Because you are our Holy Son."

Sea Maiden Douluo smiled, revealing her white teeth faintly:

"His Royal Highness Son has the strongest sea god martial soul. If he has a strong enough auxiliary soul master, wouldn't it be impossible for the two classes to maintain a balance?"

Sea Illusion Douluo also said indifferently: "What's more, His Royal Highness has two souls, Hailong and Xuangui. The first and second soul rings have almost reached the limit of 500 years, and their strength is far beyond that of their peers."


Sea Girl Douluo and Haima Dou were both surprised.

Only now did they learn about the condition of His Royal Highness's soul ring from Sea Illusion Douluo.

I can't help but smack my tongue in amazement.

"His Royal Highness Shengzi went to Sea Dragon Island, and actually took down Brother Long's two guardian beasts?"

Seahorse Douluo thought about it for a second, and couldn't help but find it funny: "Then Brother Long is going to cry to death?"

The Brother Long he was talking about was naturally Sea Dragon Douluo.

In fact, at this time, Sea Dragon Douluo really wanted to cry, choked speechlessly...

Hailong Island lacks 10-year-level soul beast suppression, and the terrifying soul beasts and evil sea soul masters in the prison are just about to move!

He could only humblely apply to High Priest Bo Saixi, to see if he could transfer a group of ten thousand year demon great white sharks and a 10 thousand year soul beast from the headquarters of Sea God Island to town the place.

Sea Girl Douluo agreed very much: "Brother Long is probably doubting life..."

After several Guardian Douluo's explanation, Bossei could barely accept it.

Is this making life difficult for yourself?
To avoid being too strong against the sky, so that the children in the sea area can't catch up?

It's a pity, guardian Douluo uncles and sisters~ You don't know, I still have hidden skills~

"So, His Royal Highness Son's first and second soul rings are already red..."

Seahorse Douluo's own aptitude is not enough, like Poseibei's god-given twin martial souls plus two 20-year-old souls at the beginning, he is not to mention how envious he is.

Not only Seahorse Douluo, Sea Girl Douluo also stared at gold stars.

"It seems that the gap among them is difficult to balance."

Hai NvDou said helplessly, "Your Highness, Son of God, you are really amazing."

She propped her face up with her hands and asked, "Your Highness, can you satisfy my sister's curiosity and tell me how you persuaded Hai Long and Xuan Gui?"

Sea Girl Douluo's question aroused the common interest of Sea Horse Douluo and Sea Illusion Douluo.

Their bodies moved closer subconsciously.

Hai Long and Xuan Gui calmly said in Bo Saibei's mind: "What kind of stupid question are you asking, girl?"

"This one?"

Poseidon scratched his head: "Actually, I didn't do anything."

"At that time, I just passed by on a Squirrel, and then got the soul ring in a daze."

"By the way, the Squirtle evolved because of this!"

"Turned into a ten-thousand-year soul beast, the Water Arrow Turtle!"

Posei North Lovely Road.

If the parents of other children heard this, they would have to say the old Versailles in the North of Posse.

What does it mean to get two soul rings in a daze?

That is a major event that determines the fate of a soul master's life!
Poseidon actually said it so lightly!
But Bo Saibei is just telling these elders what Sea Dragon Douluo knows, and they will know sooner or later.

Well, you might as well let yourself tell them.

However, he didn't say a word about the fact that he obtained the power of dragon and the power of Xuanwu.

Sea Illusion Douluo nodded, what he knew was similar to this, and said calmly: "According to what Hai Long said, Hai Long and Xuangui recognized His Highness the Holy Son because they took a fancy to the Sea God Martial Soul of His Highness the Son."

"I see."

Seahorse Douluo nodded as a matter of course: "Those two guys are probably about to pass through the third catastrophe. It is indeed a blessing to meet His Highness the Son of Heaven at this time."

"Otherwise, with their urine nature, I'm afraid they will be annihilated together under the catastrophe."

"Being the soul of His Royal Highness the Holy Son will have a better chance of becoming a soul beyond the shackles in the future. It really is a good plan."

In an instant, Hai Long and Xuan Gui's small abacus was revealed.

But can Hai Long and Xuan Gui admit it?

Immediately, Hai Long and Xuangui said anxiously in Bo Saibei's mind: "His Royal Highness, let's go out and face this guy, and see if I don't beat him to death!"

"That's right!"

The corner of Bo Saixi's mouth twitched: "Isn't this bad?"

"That's good!"

The next moment, Hai Long turned into a baby-sized spirit body, and hit Seahorse Douluo with his tail on the head.

Seahorse Douluo felt a pain in his head, and looked around subconsciously: "Who, who hit me? Who dares to hit the vice-principal in Poseidon Academy?!"


Immediately afterwards, the black tortoise also turned into a spirit body and suddenly bit Seahorse Douluo's nose...

Caught off guard...

"Hai Long, Xuan Turtle!"

Seahorse Douluo said anxiously: "Oh, Xuangui, let go of my nose!"


Hai Long hit Seahorse Douluo's head with his tail again, now you understand why I hate this stinky turtle so much, right?

If it bites you and doesn't let go, you can't do anything about it.

Sea Girl Douluo laughed loudly, gloating and said: "Haima, you are finished, Xuangui's patience is very strong, you can't afford it!"

"Huh? You don't want to use your soul power to crush them. That is the soul of His Royal Highness, and he is one with His Royal Highness. If you use your titled Douluo's soul power to hurt them, His Royal Highness will do the same." implicated."

Sea Girl Douluo warned Seahorse Douluo.

She was so happy to see the seahorse deflated.

"Then you can't let me go out to meet people like this? What's the majesty of my vice principal?!"

Seahorse Douluo said helplessly and hoarsely.

Sea Illusion Douluo said coldly, "If you speak louder, you might really hear everything."


Seahorse Douluo could only give in: "Brother Xuangui, Brother Hailong, I was wrong, I shouldn't speak ill of you, let me go?"

Xuangui couldn't speak, otherwise he would let go.

Hai Long chased after Seahorse Douluo and snorted, "You duplicity human should be punished!"

Xuan Gui blinked in agreement.


Seahorse Douluo asked Bo Saibei for help: "His Royal Highness, can you help Uncle Haima?"

Haha, it's so embarrassing.

Poseidon is also laughing heartlessly at this moment.

Hearing that Seahorse Douluo asked for help, he said to Hailong and Xuangui: "You two soul lords~ let Uncle Haima go, although he owes a little, his heart is not bad."

Only then did Hai Long and Xuan Gui hum back to Bo Saibei's soul ring: "Waste the soul power of this deity, little seahorse."

Seahorse Douluo really wants to cry but has no tears.

Taught him in this tone.

Except for the Sea God and the High Priest, there is really no one else.


Haima shrugged his nose, a feeling of pain spread, the black turtle's mouth was also a little nervous, right?

"It's all purple!"

Sea Girl Douluo snorted, "You deserve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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