Chapter 24 Tang Huiyi ([-])

"His Royal Highness, this is the dormitory of the core class academy."

"Today you can get acquainted with other students. Tomorrow morning there will be a mentor who will lead you to the basic training course of soul masters."

"We have already prepared the bedding and other items needed by His Royal Highness, and the bed is number ①."

The Academic Affairs Center is located on the most central island, also known as the Central Island.

In turn, they are divided into inner islands, outer islands, and port islands according to their distance from the central island.

These islands are usually connected by multiple stable water plane bridges, so that students who are not yet able to fly can play on the islands of Poseidon Academy.

Under normal circumstances, the more advanced soul masters lived, the closer they lived to the central island.

Six-year-old children like Bo Saibei and the others, who have just come into contact with the world of soul masters, usually live on the outlying islands or even the port islands.

But since Poseibei et al. are exceptions.

Therefore, the dormitory they live in is the place where the inner island and the outer island meet.

It was a dormitory that looked like a church.

Poseidon Zebel Zoro waved goodbye: "Then, see you tomorrow!"

Zebel Sauron smiled: "See you tomorrow."

Then, Poseidon wandered into the dormitory.

Seeing the leisurely pace of Poseidon, Zebel Zoro was really convinced.

90.00% of [-] children will have a sense of strangeness and fear when they enter school.

At least, Wei Nuo Nuo was trembling for the first three days after arriving at Sea God Academy.

But His Highness Poseidon's performance is completely like old fritters.

There is no sense of unfamiliarity at all.

It seems that it is better to leave the side of Guardian Douluo adults.

"However, the Poseidon School in the future may not be peaceful."

Zebel Sauron smiled wryly, and the form clearly stated Poseidon's soul master realm.

A six-year-old 23-level great soul master.

Still so good-looking.

Wait a little longer.

He must be crowned the title of the most beautiful face of Shanghai Theological Seminary.

Participate in the soul master competition at that time.

Isn't it going to make the female students in the academy crazy about it?

"Tsk, it's hard, it's hard."

Zebel Sauron sighed secretly: "I can only hope that the Lord of the Son of God will not be contaminated with women, which will cause unimaginable damage to the heart of practice."

If Poseidon heard these words, he would have to thank Sauron and his family.

How can humans reproduce without touching women?

Is there really a proportional relationship between becoming stronger and abstinence?

But this is just Zebel Sauron's own opinion and way of practice.

After Poseibei entered the gate of the dormitory, what he saw was the training ground and some training equipment.

The first floor of the dormitory is a spacious PK field, and the second floor is their living room.

"The needle doesn't poke, 24 people live in such a big house."

Poseidon nodded, feeling pretty good.

So he stepped on the floor without any scruples, and suddenly there was a "crack", and there was a sound of a wooden stick breaking from nowhere.

"what's the situation?"

Poseidon murmured.

The stairs are all made of stone, how could they break because of stepping on them?
I am not a heavyweight person.

And Poseidon Academy wouldn't build such a low-quality student dormitory for him, would it?

[Purple Demon Eye, open! 】

Immediately, Poseibei opened the Purple Demon Eye, moved slowly, and looked around.

Finally, a translucent filament was found at the corner of the wall, and it would break if pulled slightly.

I must have stumbled upon this filament just now.

But who is so bored playing such pranks?
Poseidon shook his head.

Immediately, his face changed. Isn't the end point of this filament pointing to the dormitory with the logo of the first core class? !

"Oh, these bastards."

Give grandpa a whole smile.

at this time.

In the dormitory of Core Class One.

A little fat man was chewing on the seafood burger, and crystal clear juice flowed out in one bite, his mouth was full of oil stains.

But the next moment, the little fat man shuddered all over, immediately put down his beloved seafood fort, and said in surprise:

"Everyone get ready, someone is coming!"

call out!
A windy man drove by, leaning against the door opening to watch the situation outside.

Turning around, he flicked his hairstyle coquettishly: "Oh, he's a cute boy!"

"Is it from our first class or the second class?" Another child asked.

The windy boy shook his head: "I don't know, but there are only two people missing from our dormitory, maybe it's him?"

"Then, get ready!"

On both sides of the entrance door of the dormitory, there are two children standing respectively. They hold lassoes, and whenever someone pushes the door and comes in, they will put it on the lasso.

Then humiliate.

The little fat man murmured: "Isn't it a cute boy, isn't it good for us to do this?"

"What's wrong with that, don't we all come here like this!"

"Besides, school has just started, so it's boring not to have some fun!"

"That's it."

A few more children chimed in.

"You can't make an exception for her just because he is cute!"

"Get out of the way, I want to see how cute he is!"

A cute girl puffed up her cheeks.

Her pretty face was rosy, and she couldn't help but want to pinch her pink and tender introduction.

Wearing red and blue-based clothes, there are two small bells hanging around the waist, which make a clear and pleasant sound when walking.

She has soft and smooth long light red hair with two small braids in front of her cheeks.

Under the long eyelashes, the blue eyes are like babies inlaid on gems, with a swan-like neck and clear butterfly bones.

The delicate and soft skin, the exquisite and slender calves, the slender ankles and the well-proportioned flesh and bones are perfect.

The only downside may be that there is a little arrogance mixed with the agility between the brows.

The other children consciously gave way, and respectfully said, "Sister Huiyi."

Children in the fantasy world are so simple and unpretentious.

Advocating strong strength.

And the sister Huayi they were talking about had gone through the postgraduate entrance examination before that, and then gave them a good meal.

That's why the prestige was established.

Feng Nan said seriously: "You are so cute!"

The little fat man arched his nose: "Really, I'm an honest boy, so don't lie to me."

"Let me see!"

Tang Huiyi was leaning against another doorway, when his vision just turned from blurry to clear.

The door of the dormitory was opened with a bang by a strong external force.

Because it was so sudden, both Feng Nan and Hui Yi were frightened.

Feng Nan slipped away and withdrew immediately.

Tang Huiyi quickly dodged two somersaults.

Immediately, the door bolt creaked due to the huge external force.


At this time, the newcomers who advocated repairing a meal gave the order and were ready to do it!

Feng Nan was stunned: "Such a cute boy is so irritable!"

"It should be to become a soul master of the attack system."

The little fat man murmured.

Tang Huiyi, on the other hand, stabilized her figure, and said arrogantly: "This guy, no matter how cute he looks, I will fix him up!"


(End of this chapter)

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