Chapter 62 Another Way

The addition of the two soul bones of Hailong and Xuangui directly increased the fighting power of Water Arrow Tortoise. In other words, it is more appropriate to change its name to Dragon Turtle at this time.

Poseidon did not absorb these two soul bones after consideration.

First of all, the spirit bone does not have a time limit like the spirit ring, it will dissipate after an hour and can be preserved, even if it is placed on the water arrow turtle, it is not impossible to take it off and absorb it.

Secondly, these two soul bones came from super soul beasts that were hundreds of thousands of years old. Given his current state, it would be very dangerous to forcibly absorb them.

Posei Beixin said: "As expected of the aura of a 10-year-old soul beast, even the strength of Zebell Zoro and Lu Fei's teacher Soul Saint Luo can't make these sea soul masters frightened, but Water Arrow Turtle did it .”

"The water arrow tortoise, drive them away, destroy those who dare to resist!" Bossei issued an order to the water arrow tortoise.

A massacre of sea spirit beasts intensified in the underwater world, and scarlet blood emerged, filling the sea area for miles around.

Qin Hai took a deep look at Bo Saibei, this kid is really amazing, his identity...

Qin Hai drifted over to Xebel Zoro, and asked, "This child, who is he?"

Qin Hai's brows were tightly closed, and there was curiosity in her melancholy eyes.

Zebell Sauron knew that Qin Hai knew that Poseidon's body skills were not simple, and he was not an outsider. Qin Hai was also a candidate for Guardian Douluo, and the young genius of Poseidon Academy could be considered their predecessor.

He didn't hide too much: "Senior Qinhai, your guess is not wrong. That child is the holy son of Seagod Island, Bo Saibei. He inherits the will of Lord Seagod and possesses the Martial Soul bestowed by Seagod. He is no longer a century-old genius. It can be described, perhaps, His Royal Highness the Holy Son is the best person I have seen since ancient times."

This rating is too high.

Although Zebell Sauron has not reached the realm of the title Douluo, but in terms of real frontal combat power, the title Douluo Qin Hai is not as good as him.

Poseidon would not know what to say if he could be worthy of Zebell Zoro's evaluation.

The students in the first core class all know that Zebell Zoro is extremely strict and always scolds more than praises during training.

There was no way around it. At that time, their overall strength was much lower than that of the second class, so they could only work harder. If anyone was lazy, he would punish them without hesitation, and even remove them from the list of the core class.

Therefore, the members of the first core class were under a lot of pressure.

Some clues can be seen from the fact that Subaru Xing and Tang Huiyi are practicing intensively all the time, while Chao Nian, Ding Xie, and Xi Wu are quite relaxed.

"It turned out to be the Son of the Sea God."

Qin Hai looked towards Bo Saibei and sighed: "For hundreds of years, there has not been a Son of the Sea God. In the past, we also looked forward to and moved closer to that goal."

"But only those who have tried it know that the goal is suspended high in the sky. We try our best to get close, but we still can't touch it. It is very difficult. It requires not only innate talent, but also acquired opportunities and hard work."

"Even if a child is born full of soul power, even if he is nourished by the fairy grass, he may not be able to reach that limit."

For the first time hearing that generation's pursuit of Sea God, Zebell Sauron showed a hint of surprise on his face, his eyes moved to Ouyang Sun, and he exhaled: "Perhaps, on this basis Coupled with the concept of twin martial souls, it may be successful."

Qin Hai shook his head: "There have been only two twin martial souls in the entire sea for a hundred years. Moreover, if you want to get the Seagod's martial soul's approval, the martial soul attribute must not deviate too far from it. It is difficult, really very difficult."

Not surprisingly, Qin Hai also noticed the abnormality of Poseibei's [Second Martial Soul], "It's really inconceivable that the second Martial Soul of His Royal Highness Son can coexist with the Seagod Martial Soul, but now it seems that the first soul skill cannot The power it brings has 10 years, which is beyond the concept of a normal martial spirit, how does His Royal Highness Son's body bear this power? It really is extremely mysterious."

Qin Hai concentrated, and suddenly said something that surprised Zebell Sauron: "Zebel Sauron, tell me, this child is as beautiful as a fairy, and his physical fitness is so strong. He was born to be favored by the sea god. Is there a possibility?"


"He is the child of the Sea God, and has the blood of the Sea God?"


Zebell Sauron's head twitched, feeling that Qin Hai's idea was too bold, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the only way to explain the reason why His Royal Highness Son's talent was so perverted, and he believed it even more.

"But... Judging from the instructions of Sea God Island, His Highness the Son of God is just an orphan picked up by the High Priest, and there is no record that it was given by the Sea God..."

"Orphan..." Qin Hai murmured.

Zebell Zoro smiled wryly, as if these young wizards all had the setting of the death of their parents.

The same is true for Ouyang Sun, who has innate full soul power and twin martial souls.

If there is no His Royal Highness, Ouyang Sun should be the child who is most likely to be recognized by the Sea God and participate in the Sea God's Nine Trials.

It's just a pity that he lost at the starting point when he was six years old, and he lost completely.

At this moment, Lu Fei was covered in scars all over his body, and he stepped forward and said, "Sure, this stubborn rock on the bottom of the sea is really solid. I blew it up no less than ten times, and the last piece of solid soil hidden inside is still firm, so I can't handle it."

"Otherwise, let His Royal Highness's Water Arrow Turtle try it?"

Thinking about it, time has passed for a long time, and it is estimated that it will be dawn soon, and there is really no delay.

"Perhaps, our initial attack direction was wrong."

Zebell Zoro looked around the sea mountains below the Void Realm: "Look, only a small number of mountains have this kind of stubborn soil, they are extremely rare, while the mountains in other directions are ordinary stones and They are made of sea mud, whether they are solid or not, with our strength, we can crush them."

Qin Hai stroked his forehead, and sighed: "At the beginning, we were only obsessed with the seamount at the gate of the virtual realm, which happened to be the most difficult to break apart. If we change our thinking, if we smash the mountains in other directions, and catch the thrust of the ocean current , this void will naturally start to wander, and the door will naturally emerge!"

"Yes, that's right."

At first, their thinking was just how to expose the door, but now they thought of a way to move the Seagod Void Realm, and it was like being enlightened.

Lu Fei's body stretched, and waves of ocean currents hit his body. He nodded and said: "The ocean currents in this area go to the side and rear of the gate of the virtual realm. This method will work."

Lu Fei turned into a human-shaped bomb, and at this time, he really blew up a big gap in the mountain wall, and two more times will be able to flatten the mountain's tip.

But... alas...

Lu Fei sighed, this humanoid bomb is powerful, but it also does some damage to the body.

After so many ejaculations, it feels like my body is being hollowed out.

Subaru Xing threw two seven-star abalones and grinned: "Teachers, it's hard work, let's make up for it!"

(End of this chapter)

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