Fighting: Invincible from the capture of Medusa

Chapter 38 Cultivation has methods

Chapter 38 Cultivation has methods

The next day
Qinglin woke up from the bed in the college's single dormitory from the practice, after washing up, changed into the hospital uniform she got yesterday, and went out.

First, he came to Teacher Jiang Hai's class. After a short while, the class was full of students. Teacher Jiang Hai changed into a refreshing black tutor uniform, and he was a little more stable.

"An Attempt to Classify Fighting Qi" was vigorously and forcefully written on the blackboard, and Qinglin flipped through the books on the table with great interest, "Skills in Using Fighting Skills", "Using Common Sense of Fighting Qi in Life", "Famous Sightseeing Spots in Fighting Qi Continent", "Warcraft Classification Encyclopedia" ".
The curriculum of Canaan College is very scientific. In the morning, it is the study of theoretical knowledge, and in the afternoon, it is practice in the arena. In the evening, some students who have specialty classes in alchemy and qi refining will use the evening time to study special courses.

The boring time always passes very slowly, and finally the bell for the end of get out of class that has been waiting for a long time rang "Dingling, Dingling", and the old student representatives in the class got up and shouted:
"stand up!"

Afterwards, the whole class stood up from the stools in unison and shouted in unison:
"Goodbye, tutor!"

"Students, see you tomorrow!"

Instructor Jiang Hai said calmly:

Seeing the students around them pack up their books and walk out of the teacher, Qinglin quickly walked to the podium, looked at Jiang Hai, who was sorting out the lesson plans on the podium, and asked:
"Teacher Jiang Hai, is there any place in our academy to raise snake-like monsters?"

"Oh, the college does have a place to raise monsters, but there should be snake monsters too. Qinglin, do you want to learn the skills of raising snake monsters so that you can take good care of your pets?"

Instructor Jiang Hai was halfway through speaking, and immediately, thinking of the colorful little snake that followed Qinglin in the Jia Ma Empire, he suddenly realized and said:
"Yes, Teacher Jiang Hai, can I not go to the arena in the afternoon? I want to learn how to raise monsters"

Hearing Jiang Hai's words, Qinglin suddenly realized that Jiang Hai's words were very reasonable, so he couldn't say that he was using the green snake three-flower pupil to absorb the fighting spirit of snake-like monsters. If so, the academy would definitely not agree. , Qinglin echoed and said:

"It's possible, but the arena training in the afternoon is also very important."

Jiang Hai said in a deep voice:

"But, mentor, are there any students in the arena who are in the realm of a great fighter?"

Qinglin asked in a crisp tone:
Hearing this, Mentor Jiang Hai looked at Qing Lin with a wry smile on his face. Of course, there are no students in the arena who are in the realm of great masters. In the outer court, masters in the outer court are all the realms that only mentors can achieve. Some talented students are mostly When he was a top Doushi, he entered the inner court. Students like Qinglin, who are at the peak of admission, are not rare, but they really don't exist.

After thinking of this, Jiang Hai said with a smile:

"It's the instructor who was careless. There really are no students in the realm of the Great Fighter in the Outer Academy. If you have your own affairs in the future, you can go to work. These theoretical courses are not very helpful to you. After receiving the resources from the academy, I will Just send it to you directly, you can come to me at any time if you don’t understand, the place where the college raises monsters is called the Royal Beast Academy, after leaving the class, keep going to the left, and you can see it after turning over the mountain!"

"This is my token. With this token, you can enter the Beast Academy and learn how to raise monsters."

"Thank you teacher!"

Seeing Mentor Jiang Hai taking out a blue card from the ring, on which the words "Teacher Jiang Hai" were written impressively, Qinglin accepted the card and thanked Mentor Jiang Hai happily.

After leaving the classroom, it was almost noon. After Qinglin solved the problem of lunch in the college cafeteria, she walked towards the direction of the college's beast palace.

At the same time, the news that Jiang Hai, an A-level tutor, brought back a SSS-level freshman from enrollment, and the news that he entered the school with the frightening state of a six-star fighter was spreading wildly in the academy.

"Have you heard? There is a monster in our outer courtyard, a 17-year-old six-star fighting master, entering the hospital is the peak."

"I've inquired. This student seems to be called Qing Lin, who was brought back from the Jia Ma Empire by Instructor Jiang Hai."

"I don't know where I can find this genius monster, who has a realm comparable to a mentor at such a young age, I must make friends with him!"

You must know that most of the elites are in the inner court, whether they are mentors or students, although the outer court is full of geniuses, most of them did not enter the inner court when they entered the inner court. The faster the promotion, a 17-year-old Dadoushi and a 30-year-old Dadoushi are completely different. Human beings have a limited lifespan. The faster the promotion of all realms, the higher the future. , a 17-year-old six-star fighter, this is equivalent to a marathon. Others are running, and you are directly driving a helicopter!
Step by step, step by step, the 17-year-old six-star master is already so strong that these self-proclaimed genius Canaan Academy students feel an invisible mountain pressing on them, and what is even more frightening is that this mountain is too big , so big that all the students from the outer courtyard did not have the courage to climb the mountain!
After a long while, Qing Lin crossed the mountain mentioned by Jiang Hai's mentor with the tyrannical speed of the big fighter, and saw the beast palace built by a huge fence and mysterious runes not far away!
After Qing Lin entered the Imperial Beast Academy, she took out the token given by Jiang Hai's mentor, and let the instructor on duty watch it, then entered the Imperial Beast Academy. Most of the beasts in the Imperial Beast Academy were birds and monsters. The snake monsters provided by the Beast Academy are only a small part of all the monsters in the Beast Academy.

Even so, after Qinglin followed the old student to the area of ​​snake-like monsters, she was also very surprised. Qinglin saw countless ferocious and cold-blooded snake-like monsters crawling on the ground or enjoying the shade on the trees in the jungle surrounded by the fence ahead. According to Qinglin's observation, most of the monsters raised in captivity here are second-tier and third-tier monsters, and Qinglin has not found any fourth-tier monsters!
But the instructor on duty told Qinglin that there are two fourth-order monsters living in the snake-like monster area. Qinglin surrounded the rainforest fence and carefully watched the monsters inside. The old student who led Qinglin here saw this scene After warning Qinglin not to enter the fence, he left the place.

After a while, Qinglin felt that there were no other students around, and carefully observed the monster's eyes, and there were more than three small green flowers strangely. Immediately, the second-level monster "Purple Belly Snake" that was watched by Qinglin's eyes, Three small green flowers also appeared in the eyes, and they crawled straight towards the fence.

Seeing that the "Purple-bellied snake" was separated by a fence, Qinglin stretched out her delicate hand over the fence to caress the head of the "Purple-bellied snake". The arm moved towards Qinglin's body.

After sunset, the crimson sunset fell on the Royal Beast Courtyard. After absorbing the fighting energy in the little blue snake, Qinglin felt that the fighting energy in her body was still close to the realm of a seven-star great fighter, and went towards her dormitory contentedly. Qinglin walked Afterwards, inside the fence where they were originally standing, there were four thin snakes without a trace of vindictiveness, running around in a panic
After a while, the four little snakes became the rations for the ferocious second- and third-tier monsters around!
(End of this chapter)

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