Chapter 16
The bull devil's eyes were unusually sad, and then he stared at a person next to him.This person is none other than Xiao Tiankuang.

Xiao Tiankuang found a stool from somewhere, and sat there with his legs crossed. When he saw these people coming in, he immediately showed a wicked smile.

Seeing Xiao Tiankuang's smile, those guys suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts. This guy turned out to be a master, otherwise the Bull Demon King would not have become what he is now.

"You guys are here, and I'm about to go out to find you. The Bull Demon King said the soap smells really good, and I'm going to let you all try it!"

Xiao Tiankuang stood up from his seat, and picked up a pile of soap in the basket. He didn't like the eyes of these guys very much.

It is estimated that they came here to see what kind of misery they have become, but it is a pity that they were not able to make their wishes come true!
Now that you're here, let's turn the world upside down here!
"Boy, what do you want to do? This is the Nether Prison. Even if you are a dragon, you have to be coiled for me, and a tiger is also squatting for me! Don't piss them off!"

Seeing Xiao Tiankuang ignoring them and slowly walking towards them, the leaders were furious. This was the first time they were despised by a prisoner.

Who does he think he is?Maybe he is indeed very good, otherwise he would not be able to deal with the Bull Demon King, but it is wishful thinking to fight against so many of them alone.If you don't give him a little color, it seems that he doesn't know how powerful he is waiting for others!
It's just that despite saying this, many people still involuntarily backed away, but they clearly knew the horror of the Bull Demon King.

But even such a terrifying person has now turned into such a miserable appearance, this person is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp!
"I think the taste of this soap must be very suitable for your appetite."

Xiao Tiankuang didn't pay any attention to what they said, not to mention that the number of these people was not enough, even if there were double the number, he would not be afraid at all.

Blame them for offending him, generally anyone who offends him will not end well, after finishing speaking, Xiao Tiankuang pounced on them like a tiger!

Screams rang out again and again throughout the Nether Prison, and the people in the cells outside felt a little terrified when they heard the screams and wailing. Something must have happened, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"Hehe, it looks like they're having a good time. Tomorrow we...we'll just collect the corpses. This time, we'll finish the task ahead of schedule."

In the lounge outside, Fatty and others said drunkenly while holding a wine glass, it seems that Xiao Tiankuang has angered everyone in the prison.

It's really sad, none of those guys have fuel-efficient lamps, and his chrysanthemums will probably be black in the daytime tomorrow.

Ignoring that side, they continued drinking and singing, as if what happened there had nothing to do with them.

With a sound of "clang", Fatty and the others got up from the bed as soon as the sun came out of the horizon in the morning, and then they went straight to the prison where Xiao Tiankuang was held last night.

Nodding their heads, they directly opened the heavy iron door. They came to collect Xiao Tiankuang's body. I believe he must have lived an inhuman life from last night to now!
"how so?!"

When the fat man and others opened the door and entered it, they were taken aback. Don't play like this!
Xiao Tiankuang sat safely on the body of a person. This person was none other than the so-called most ferocious Ear Bull Demon King.

This Bull Demon King was the boss of a mercenary group back then, countless people died in his hands, and now he has become Xiao Tiankuang's ear seat.

The expression on his face was very helpless, as if he had accepted his fate, and he still had a piece of bright red soap biting into his mouth.

If this can be barely accepted, then the actions of other people overturned Fatty's heart, and those vicious gangsters all knelt on the ground.

They put their hands over their ears, and each of them has a bar of soap in their mouths. Could it be that they are hungry?

Of course, Fatty knows that this is impossible, there is only one possibility, this Xiao Tiankuang is far more powerful than imagined.

It can be said that in the entire room of the prison, except for a thin naked man sitting in the corner, everyone else is in a state of embarrassment.

"What did you do to them?!"

The fat man directly took out his pistol and pointed at Xiao Tiankuang. He could feel that this guy was far more terrifying than he imagined, and the others also took out their weapons and pointed at Xiao Tiankuang.

Of course, they only took out their weapons, but none of them would fire first. After all, if he was dealt with by criminals, he would be completely different from himself and others.

"I didn't do anything, they just wanted to taste the soap, didn't they?"

"Yeah...we... this soap smells first-rate!"

"It's smells so good."

As soon as Xiao Tiankuang's words fell, the people around nodded hastily and said, some guys took two bites out of fear.

Although it was very unpalatable, there were smiles on their faces. They were afraid that they would make Xiao Tiankuang unhappy. If so, it would be terrible.

Their actions made Fatty and others unbelievable. Are these guys still the unruly criminals from before?Now it feels like they are frightened children!

"Is it time to change the room? This room is really not very good."

Xiao Tiankuang asked the fat man with a faint smile on his face. From the mouth of the Bull Demon King, he already knew the room he would be assigned to next, Room 444.

There are only three people locked up in room 444, which has everything except computers. It can be said that it is the best equipped existence in the entire prison.

Of course, if you thought it was a good place, you would be wrong. The three people who were locked up were all extremely terrifying existences. It can be said that once they entered it, there would be no reason to live.

It seems that Xiao Tiankuang really provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, otherwise he would not be locked in this room. The Bull Demon King secretly prayed that this little ancestor should leave here quickly. They will not use soap in the bath for the rest of their lives.

"Let's go!"

Hearing what Xiao Tiankuang said, the fat man directly opened the door, stared at him nervously and said, maybe this person is indeed scarier than imagined.

But once he enters Room 444, there is no possibility of him being alive, because the three people inside are too terrifying.

Xiao Tiankuang walked out without the slightest hesitation, and seeing him go out, Fatty and the others hurriedly followed.

"My mother, I'm finally gone."

"I never want to see Soap again."

"Speaking of which, he should be in danger this time, right?!"

When the gate was closed again, Bull Demon King and the others breathed a sigh of relief. It can be said that Xiao Tiankuang left an indelible impression on them for a lifetime.

Originally they thought that last night would be a very pleasant night, but who knew it was a nightmare, they really couldn't understand why this little guy who seemed to be only in his twenties had such terrifying strength?
And his smile, he looked like a little devil in the world. Fortunately, he finally left here, and they were finally able to sleep well tonight.But then they wondered whether Xiao Tiankuang could survive in that prison?

After all, that prison is known as the most terrifying existence in the history of the Nether Prison. Anyone who enters the prison the next day comes out with a corpse, and there have been no exceptions for so many years.

If it was someone else, of course they would not have such doubts, but Xiao Tiankuang gave them the feeling yesterday that he was simply too powerful, as if he was the reincarnation of a demon king, unstoppable, maybe the myth that Nether Prison cannot fail is about to be defeated today!

"Finally in!"

Fatty and others stood outside a room and whispered to themselves, the big rock hanging in their hearts has finally fallen.

In fact, it's not just him, even the others are relieved. Xiao Tiankuang's influence on them is really too great. One person can convince nearly a hundred people. This person definitely has his horror .

Just now they were really worried that this guy would resist midway, but luckily it didn't happen, Xiao Tiankuang was very cooperative from the beginning to the end, and his cooperation was a bit unbelievable.

Xiao Tiankuang has already been sent in by them, Heisha will probably throw the body out later, they just need to wait outside with peace of mind.

Xiao Tiankuang went in. As the Bull Demon King said, the environment inside is very nice, with three bedrooms and one living room, the decoration is very gorgeous, and there is a big LCD TV in the living room.

Three people were sitting on the sofa watching boredly. One of the three was in his thirties with a pale complexion, and the other was in his forties with a lot of skin, but his fists were much bigger than ordinary people.As for the last one, he was an old man in his fifties, his hair was already graying, but his spirit was very hale and hearty.

The white-faced scholar Lu Jun, the black-faced killer Heisha, and the old man is the dark flute, the king of hidden weapons. Each of these three people caused famous murders in Yanjing.

The government paid a huge price to catch the three of them. It is no exaggeration to say that any one of them re-entering society will cause a shock.

Originally, according to the crimes they committed, it would not be an exaggeration to die a hundred times, but these guys did not know what method they used, but the government sentenced them to life imprisonment, and there are special treatment here.

(End of this chapter)

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