The strong are coming

Chapter 26 Goodbye Xu Ruxue

Chapter 26 Goodbye Xu Ruxue

"Enough of Kang Tailin, he is my friend, shut up!"

Fang Zihan has never been so angry like today, it is obvious that Kang Tailin deliberately does not want to save face for himself, it is really disgusting.

Seeing Fang Zihan angry, Kang Tailin didn't feel nervous or worried at all. If it was before, he would really back away, but now Fang Zihan won't be jumping around for long.

Now I am tearing up her only trace of dignity, and let her know what will happen if she offends herself. Don't think that being a star is a big deal. If no one comes to praise you, you are nothing less than a piece of shit!

Contrary to Kang Tailin's expectation, after listening to his own words, Xiao Tiankuang who was sitting over there still looked indifferent, I saw him put the last piece of pastry into his mouth and taste it carefully , Praise while eating.

"Speaking of which, this craftsmanship is many times better than that of the royal chefs in the palace!"

After finally enjoying the last piece of pastry, Xiao Tiankuang stood up from his seat and said, his words made Kang Tailin over there sneer, who does he think he is, has he ever eaten the royal chef in the palace?

But he didn't bother to make extra troubles, he just hoped that this guy would leave as soon as possible after eating, but he put all his energy on Fang Zihan, if he couldn't get the [-] million compensation today, then he wouldn't even think about leaving safely.

"I'm very satisfied with your hospitality. How about it? May I lend you some money?"

What Kang Tailin and Fang Zihan didn't expect was that Xiao Tiankuang had no intention of leaving after eating and drinking, instead he directly stepped forward and asked Fang Zihan.

His impression of this woman is not bad, and another point is that it is a waste of money on his body. He has already thought of a relatively good investment.

In fact, the most important point is that this Kang Tailin gives people a very annoying feeling. He likes to see this kind of person lost. By the way, is he a bit evil?

"Haha... Do you know how much her liquidated damages are?"

"Thank you for your kindness, I can handle it here."

After being silent for a while, Kang Tailin and Fang Zihan reacted respectively. Kang Tailin couldn't help laughing. Although this kind of damages the image, it doesn't matter as long as it disgusts the two of them. There is also a problem with 6000 million yuan, even [-] yuan.

Fang Zihan also didn't think that Xiao Tiankuang could help him with this. Maybe he really has a small fortune, but what he owns is not hundreds of thousands or millions, but [-] million.

Taking a step back, he really has [-] million, so I'm afraid he wouldn't just lend it to himself, would he?Don't be afraid that the meat buns are gone forever in the big dog.

"Oh, is the liquidated damages high? Is one billion enough?"

It's just that before Kangtailin's smile completely disappeared, Xiao Tiankuang's words made his face tense, and not only the people around him gasped, but also the people around him.

true or false?One billion?No matter how calm a person is, he may be a little moved when he hears this number.

You must know that although China's economy is developing extremely rapidly, the monthly income of ordinary people is only a few thousand yuan, and the better white-collar workers are only just breaking five figures. If they want to earn this one billion, it will take years and months?
Fang Zihan didn't speak anymore, but focused on Xiao Tiankuang. She didn't know what to say now, because she didn't know whether what Xiao Tiankuang said was true or not?
According to his own conception, it is impossible for a seemingly ordinary person like him to spend a billion dollars, even the young master of a rich family would not be so profligate.

But in the next second Xiao Tiankuang had already taken out a bank card.

"Kyushu Bank Platinum Card?!"

When he saw this chapter of the bank card, Kang Tailin trembled. He was no stranger to this bank card because he often went to and from the bank. This is the unique platinum card of Kyushu Bank.

Anyone who has this kind of bank card, which one is not an important customer of Kyushu Bank?It can be said that this card is a symbol of identity and status, and there are only a handful of people in China who own this card.

Kang Tailin was going to ridicule this guy. He thought his family opened a bank, so he said one billion is one billion?This guy must have come to make trouble on purpose 1
But after he took out the bank card, he didn't dare to say anything more. As the saying goes, don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if you offend this mysterious person, you still don't know what will happen in the future?
Over there, Xiao Tiankuang handed over the bank card directly to Lawyer Huang, but Lawyer Huang respectfully handed over the bank card, and his hands trembled slightly at this moment.

As a lawyer, he naturally has good eyesight. Which person who can have this platinum card is not a terrifying existence in China and even in the world?Of course, he didn't stop after taking the bank card, and hurried to check it.

"Mr. Xiao and Zihan, let's go first. Sometimes we have to visit the company as guests."

Half an hour later, Kang Tailin forced a smile on his face and said, they have completed all the procedures just now, [-] million, this guy is really hiding his secrets.

Although they got the liquidated damages this time, they completely offended Fang Zihan. In addition, Fang Zihan has such an unfathomable guy by his side, so their life may not be easy in the future.

But things have reached this point, and there is absolutely no room for recovery.


Xiao Tiankuang didn't say anything, Fang Zihan over there just snorted coldly, she was too lazy to say a word to this Kang Tailin.

Kang Tailin also knew that there would be no effect if he continued to stay like this. He smiled awkwardly and took those people away. But damn, who knew that guy could come up with [-] million at once? !

Prodigals don't lose like this!From Kang Tailin's point of view, the reason why Xiao Tiankuang did this was to win Fang Zihan's favor.

"Thank you, I will find a way to pay you back the money as soon as possible!"

Now only Fang Zihan and Xiao Tiankuang were left in the whole box, looking at Xiao Tiankuang with a smile on his face, Fang Zihan bit his lip and said.

But the debt of [-] million is still a bit difficult for a big star like myself. I just hope to find a good economic company and earn the [-] million within ten years.

"You don't have to pay it back, it's my salary for you."


Contrary to Fang Zihan's expectation, Xiao Tiankuang said such a sentence after listening to her own words, which made her unclear. How could it become her salary?
"I'm going to invest in a film and television company. How about it? Are you interested? In addition to the [-] million, you still have shares!"

Xiao Tiankuang put the Platinum Card in his arms and said to Fang Zihan with a smile, he is not a good person, and what he did just now was not a fever.

Fang Zihan is now famous in China, and it happens that he has a lot of spare money, so let her work for him!It's only [-] million. It would be impossible to poach her in normal times, but now it's different.

In fact, Xiao Tiankuang is not short of money, and he doesn't know how much wealth he has in the world, but he likes the feeling of earning money, seeing his assets getting higher and higher, he also has a faint joy in his heart.

"Hehe, the feeling is like this. I thought you were angry and crowned as a beauty. It seems that you are thinking too much."

"Why? If you don't want to, then I'll find someone else."

"How could you not want to? If you have money and shares, you're a fool. When will I start working, boss?!"

Xiao Tiankuang's words immediately made Fang Zihan understand. At first, she thought that Xiao Tiankuang did what he did because he was attracted by her and became a beauty all the way, but now it seems that it is not the same thing at all. .

He had already made up his mind when he borrowed the money. You must know that if you want to transfer the artist to the company under normal channels, in addition to helping to pay liquidated damages, you will also have to pay several years of salary.

But now it's all right, Xiao Tiankuang only used one liquidated damages to make himself a member of his company, so he was too embarrassed to refuse.

In fact, he is kind, because besides the salary of [-] million, he still has certain shares, so he is not at a disadvantage, so she just nodded and agreed!

"It's not urgent for now, to be honest, the company hasn't finished yet!"

What made Fang Zihan pout is that Xiao Tiankuang's so-called company has not been seen yet, but she believes that Xiao Tiankuang is not lying to herself, because the platinum card has given her the greatest confidence.People who can have that kind of platinum card are destined to be extraordinary people!

After talking for a while, the two walked out of the box together. Some guests had already gathered outside. After all, they had just seen Fang Zihan go in with their own eyes.

"It's really Fang Zihan!"

"Big star, sign me an autograph!"

When the two of them came out, the crowd was about to rush over. Seeing these people, she immediately felt dizzy. This is what to do. Looking at Xiao Tiankuang next to him, he looked indifferent.

Fang Zihan never thought that the ear was, but when the crowd was about to come in front of them, they couldn't go any further, as if they were bound by some force, and just like this, the two disappeared at the hotel under the gaze of these people , leaving only the terrified crowd.

"If you have anything to do, you can find me in the old house. I'm going to meet an acquaintance now, so that's what I said."

When the two of them had just left, Xiao Tiankuang said this to Fang Zihan, and then left in a hurry. He seemed to have seen Xu Ruxue just now.

That's right, it was the first woman I met at the base when I came out. I didn't expect that she would also come to Yanjing.It's just that there seems to be something wrong with her in such a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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