Chapter 400
"You will know who Shura is, I will let you remember now, who are you!"

The corner of the Dark God Emperor's mouth was raised slightly, revealing a strange smile, he looked at Bai Chen, and with a wave of his hand, Bai Chen floated in front of the Dark God Emperor.

The Dark God Emperor slowly stretched out a hand, a ray of dark red light radiated from the palm, and a ray of red light penetrated into the center of Bai Chen's brow.

The Dark God Emperor slowly closed his eyes.

The present Ghost Shadow and Mister Da looked at each other, with excited smiles on their faces.

They knew that the Dark God Emperor was about to rewrite Shura's memory, so that Shura would obey him sincerely from now on.

However, after 10 minutes passed, a solemn expression appeared on the face of the Dark God Emperor.

Ghost Ying and Mr. Da looked at each other, and they both frowned immediately, feeling something was wrong with the Dark God Emperor.

After another 10 minutes, the Dark God Emperor stopped, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Lord Dark Emperor, how is it? Has Shura's memory been rewritten?" Mr. Da hurriedly asked, impatient to see Shura's sincere side of the Dark Clan.

The Dark God Emperor shook his head and said: "No, his memory is completely sealed, and with my strength, I can't open it at all, and he has experienced two life and death, and the memory seal has become stronger. It's impossible to break the seal. Take him down and imprison him in the Dark Palace Prison. Send more people to watch him, but don't let him run away. Also, the God of Light From the side of the emperor, don't leak any news, anyone who disobeys the order will die!"

The Dark God Emperor smiled bitterly, feeling very helpless, even if Shura's power was sealed, he still couldn't undo his memory seal.

"Yes! I'll do it now!" Mr. Da cupped his hands at the Dark God Emperor, and then left the Shadow Palace with Bai Chen.

As everyone knows, at the moment when the Dark God Emperor failed to unlock Bai Chen's memory seal, Emperor Ming watched them outside the Shadow Palace and witnessed all this with his own eyes.

"Huh! Emperor Ming, it seems that this guy, Dark Emperor, can't break Shura's memory seal."

Chen Feng breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Emperor Ming, and said with a smile.

Emperor Ming also heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, that guy Andi couldn't undo Bai Chen's memory seal, otherwise Bai Chen's memory would really be tampered with by him.

"It's fine if you can't solve it. Shura was imprisoned in the dark palace prison. Find a chance to rescue him. You have also seen that now Shura is seriously injured and unconscious. There is no way to escape. So, Dust Wind, you have to Do everything possible to rescue him, which is related to the survival of our Guangming family. Although the Dark Emperor can't break his memory seal now, he won't know in the future. Maybe he will find a solution soon. It's a way to open the memory."

Emperor Ming looked at Chenfeng, and the two of them watched every move in the Shadow Palace in secret.

Seeing that he was frowning tightly, he gave Chen Feng a few serious words.

Shura cannot fall into the hands of the Dark Emperor, and his memory cannot be tampered with.

No matter which side he chooses to stand after recovering his memory, it is better than tampering with his memory.

Chen Feng nodded heavily, he understands the pros and cons, if Shura is loyal to the Dark Clan, then the end of the Bright Clan is coming soon.

"Okay, let's go back and find a way. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We are weak. If they find out, we will be in trouble."

After speaking, Emperor Ming grabbed Chen Feng's hand, and with a flash, the two disappeared outside the Shadow Palace.

In the Shadow Palace, the Dark God Emperor sat powerlessly on the throne, slammed the table hard, gritted his teeth, and said, "Damn it, Shura! It's really deliberate, to seal my memory after death, damn it, this It’s very difficult for us, what exactly is his memory seal?”

"Lord Dark Emperor, many years ago, Shura and Zibing were inseparable. Do you think the key to their memory seal is the other?"

At this time, the ghost on the side spoke, and the ghost's words caused the dark god emperor to think deeply.

"If we also capture Zibing, will there be a glimmer of hope?" Ghosting continued.

"No! Even if the key to unlocking the memory seal of both of them is the other party, Zibing cannot be allowed to return to the Nine Heavens. If Zibing returns, then even greater troubles will occur."

As soon as Ghosting finished speaking, he was rejected by the Dark God Emperor.

Ghost Shadow frowned immediately after hearing this, what the Dark God Emperor said was exactly the same as Mr. Da when he was in the human world.

"Master Andi, you and Mister Da said so, what kind of trouble will Zibing cause when he returns? What is going on here?"

Ghosting couldn't help asking, he was really curious, what could make the god emperor who is a dark clan so afraid?

The Dark God Emperor sighed deeply, and slowly told the truth of the matter, saying: "You still don't understand, you were not born at that time, there are three types of people in us above the Nine Heavens, the Dark Clan and the Bright Clan, and the other There are only three people in the first category, namely Shura, Zibing and a person named Xueyou. Xueyou likes Zibing, but Zibing chooses Shura. The three of them were very good friends, but because of Zibing Bing chose Shura, Xueyou became angry from embarrassment, and turned against Shura. He fought countless battles, big and small, but was defeated by Shura every time. Fa wanted to forcibly occupy Zibing, but Shura discovered it in time. In a fit of anger, Shura sealed him directly. Many years later, Shura and He were already unwilling to join any of them because they were facing the calamity of the Nine Heavens and the Two Clans. Race, so he chose Bingjie, sealed all his power and memory, and although Xueyou was sealed, his sanity was still there. After learning that the two of them had fallen, Xueyou also gave up everything and kept The seal is there, but once the seal of Zi Bing and Shura is released, the sealed Xue You will definitely be alarmed. Xue You has already broken through the seal. After Zi Bing returns, Xue You will definitely make a comeback. There will be countless casualties like back then.”

After the Dark God Emperor told these past events, Ghost Ying was taken aback. He thought that the third type of people above Nine Heavens were Shura and Zi Bing, but he didn't expect that there was Xue You.

"Then who is this Xue You? Is he very powerful?" Gui Ying continued to ask, very curious about this matter.

The Dark God Emperor was not angry either, but just glanced at the ghost lightly, and said: "That's right, Xue You is very powerful, his strength is as strong as Shura's, but every time he is defeated by Shura's move, the face Against Shura's move, he has no power to parry at all, so he was defeated every time, and now I don't know if he has figured out a way to break Shura's move."

Ghosting was surprised again, what kind of tricks could defeat someone of his strength with one move?
(End of this chapter)

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